Eating too late?

Now, this is probably a question that has been answered 5,000,000 times and I apologize.

I just started the ChaLean Extreme program. She wants you to eat 5 times a day and then obviously nothing after supper. But this is my problem. I usually work out after I eat supper because that's about the only time I have to do it. I can't get myself out of bed to do it. But about an hour after I work out and I'm usually getting ready for bed, I'm starving again! I don't know whether I should eat because I worked out and I need more fuel, or if I should ignore it because its technically too late to be eating?

Anyone with any advice??? Thanks a lot!!!!!!!


  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    Now, this is probably a question that has been answered 5,000,000 times and I apologize.

    I just started the ChaLean Extreme program. She wants you to eat 5 times a day and then obviously nothing after supper. But this is my problem. I usually work out after I eat supper because that's about the only time I have to do it. I can't get myself out of bed to do it. But about an hour after I work out and I'm usually getting ready for bed, I'm starving again! I don't know whether I should eat because I worked out and I need more fuel, or if I should ignore it because its technically too late to be eating?

    Anyone with any advice??? Thanks a lot!!!!!!!
  • happenstance82
    I work out late at night...usually around 10:30pm(sometimes 11:30pm) I'm usually pretty hungry after those late night workouts, but because I'm just heading home to shower and go to bed, I SKIP the snack. I chug a bottle of water makes me feel really full. My morning workouts are a different story...I ALWAYS re-fuel after those.
  • metco89
    metco89 Posts: 578 Member
    i have been struggling with eating late alot lately. It has always been one of my biggest problems. I am keeping sugar free. fat free jello pudding and yogurt handy . usually a serving of one of those and a big glass of water or two gets me to bed LOL. better than chips or bread. so i am just doing the best i can. I have been struggling alot lately. ever since i came back from my major food relapse, gaining 22 of the 42 lbs i had lost back it has been really hard. late night eating is killing me. If i don't exercise first thing in the morning i won't do it and i need to change that mind set. :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    As songbyrdsweet put it in some post, calories in - calories out = weight gain. 1 calorie is 1 calorie at noon and 1 calorie at night. HOWEVER, my personal problem is that I don't stop in the evening the way I would stop at lunch (you know, chewing on something in front of the computer/TV etc, some asks for more). So, for me, it seems to be all or nothing.

    I also exercise after 6p.m. and by the time I'm home, I'm hungry again. But I think it's all a matter of getting used to it/ a habit - I think you can train it. Maybe some peeps here can give you a hint on what to eat after sports, *light* and *little*. As I said, for me in particular it's mostly "all or nothing", but everyone's different.

    This is way I am part of this:

    Good luck with finding your way and a balance :flowerforyou:
  • nades33
    nades33 Posts: 14
    you should take in something after you will burn it off just make sure it is clean. try 3 egg whites with low sodium salsa. Plus before bed is the best time to take in protein, this is when your body repairs and builds. More muscle = leaner body and more calories burnt through out the day:)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It is really important to eat after you work out. You are in the best place hormonally for muscle and bone repair, and just drinking a glass of water gives your body nothing it needs. Even if it is just a cup of milk and a banana, you should have something. You're not benefiting in any way by not eating after a certain hour and losing out on those nutrients post workout.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    you should take in something after you will burn it off just make sure it is clean. try 3 egg whites with low sodium salsa. Plus before bed is the best time to take in protein, this is when your body repairs and builds. More muscle = leaner body and more calories burnt through out the day:)

    LOL you beat me to it :laugh:
  • Jenna423
    Jenna423 Posts: 178 Member
    Wow, thanks guys! This really helps, but should I skip a snack earlier in the day in order to make that late snack fit into my calories for the day? I don't want to go too long between eating since that's a no no for the ChaLean program.... I think I'm over analyzing this!!! Sorry! I just don't want to screw up my diet and exercise by doing something that could have been avoided...ya know? Thanks again for all the advice!!!!