Bike Trainers

Hi everyone.I'm looking to be educated about indoor bike trainers.I know nothing about them and am looking for advice.I realize there are almost as many opinions as there are models of trainers out there.I'm looking for the best value for the buck of course!Also what's needed besides the trainer itself? Front wheel block,a floor mat..what else? I don't think this is something I'll be using often living in florida but the last 3 days have been hell not being able to get my rides in! Rain & wind have been crazy .Any help would be appreciated..Thanks...Mark


  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Get a CycleOps trainer with a block for the front wheel. No mat needed unless you are concerned about your floor (I use mine in the basement on a concrete floor--of course if you're in Florida, you don't have a basement :-) ).

    No magic. If you are concerned about noise, get a magnetic resistance or fluid resistance trainer instead of a wind resistance one. The wind trainers are noisy.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    Get a CycleOps trainer with a block for the front wheel. No mat needed unless you are concerned about your floor (I use mine in the basement on a concrete floor--of course if you're in Florida, you don't have a basement :-) ).

    No magic. If you are concerned about noise, get a magnetic resistance or fluid resistance trainer instead of a wind resistance one. The wind trainers are noisy.

    I have this one too. It's great. It's worth investing in a fluid or magnetic. They do cost more but, they're quieter and tend to last longer. I don't use a mat either but, mine is on carpet.

    You may want to check Craigslist. They're often on there.
  • allyfry
    allyfry Posts: 22 Member
    I use rollers I bought off of bike nashbar for a decent price. It makes me work on my balance and cadence. I live in the rainy northwest and I'm too chicken to ride in wet conditions so I use it a fair amount from Oct-Apr. Can't use it on anything plush unless you want to burn a hole in the carpet, doesn't slip on linoleum or tile. Until you get the hang of it I recommend being near a counter or wall to help with balance.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    there's a pretty good introductory article here -

    FWIW, I'd buy a half decent magnetic resistance trainer like the Tacx Speedmatic - variable resistance, pretty solid build quality and reasonably quiet. It's got a decent sized flywheel on it as well - so when you stop pedalling for a few seconds, it'll rolldown gently rather than just stopping the back wheel in a couple of seconds. Don't spend too much on one, all bike trainers are a bit of an aquired taste - and some people just dont get on well with them at all.
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    I want a Tacx Genius Turbo Trainer... Unfortunately, the release date has just been put back until December :sad:

    Plus there's the £1300 I need to buy one of course! :noway:
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well - I've just had a unexpected bit of cash come up - a "deadbeat client" has just paid his bill (from feb 2010 no less!) - I'd allready written the debt off, so just over £2000 popping up in my bank account was a happy surprise.

    Last week, a mate had seen my old Cateye CS-1000 rig, and asked that if it was up for sale, would I give him first chance. Well - I may regret this, but I'vejust pulled the trigger on a new Tacx Bushido trainer, with the wireless PC upgrade kit. That way, I should be able to use my laptop and have a VR trainer, plus a stand-alone rig for "lay-bye warmups", should I ever get fit enough to start riding Time-Trials again :laugh: I reckon that after I've given the taxman his share of the windfall, and added back a few bob for the CS-1000, there might just be enough for a week somewhere warm and sunny for me and my bike after christmas (provided I travel with a budget airline, and don't eat/drink while I'm there!!)

    I'll get back to the thread with a bit of a writeup on the Bushido when it lands here... can't believe I'm actually looking forward to riding on a Turbo-Trainer!!!

    Now... where's the lead to connect my laptop to that projector... :smile: