When is that last time you fell??

lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
I was walking my dog downhill on gravel, (like I have RUN down so many times before) and it happened. In what felt like slow motion, I slipped in a hole of some sort, slid in the gravel and somehow my chin ended up hitting the ground. When I finally sat up, it was all I could do. People all around me, (no one close enough to give me a hand or eye contact-thank god!) and all my dog wanted to do was continue down the hill. There I sat, bloody knee, holey pants and hands on fire!! Gravel in my knee, palms & I later found out in my chin. Instantly I was 10 years old! (Even though I'm 41) I'm okay, but I wonder when is the last time you fell and were able to laugh at yourself??


  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I was walking on a perfectly flat sidewalk last August when my knee just completely gave out. It was before I had started walking miles a day, so my muscles were super weak. It was following the season opener for AS Roma, in Rome, with a few thousand people around me. I was on the verge of tears from embarrassment, but thankfully I was able to hold myself together.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Fell down this morning playing ball with my 1 year old Godson.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    A couple months ago I was running on a fairly popular hiking trail. I just topped out after a mile of continuous uphill, and was starting to pick up speed. About 50 yards ahead of me was two women walking with their backs to me. As I closed the distance I called out "coming up", and just as they both turn to see me coming, my feet just disappear out from under me, and I barrel roll off the side of the trail into the rocks, sticks, dirt, and cactus... ending up on my back, feet in the air like a dying roach.

    I jumped up... ran past them, and asked for my scores. :laugh:
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    On vacation this summer my husband and I went hiking in Colorado. I did so well on all of our hikes (which is an accomplishment because I am basically a klutz). I thought I was home clear till I tripped over my own two feet walking back to the car AFTER the hike!
    JDNOX Posts: 619
    Two years ago during the summer when a sting ray stabbed me in the foot while i was walking with my son to the beach. Darn thing stabbed me two inches into the bottom of my foot. The poison the hit you with hurts a lot tell you that. That was a long time ago. I guess i don't fall that often. Great you know i am going to fall today now right LOL
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Early this year I was running with my dog. He cut in front of me, I stutter stepped to avoid him and turned my right ankle and went down. Sprained it pretty good. Couldn't really walk on it for 2 days but was back to running about 2 weeks later.
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    OMG I wiped out in the Meijer gas station parking lot! Had my work boots on with the laces tucked in & they got caught in the "quick lace" thing & down I went! It was like walking with your shoelaces tied together! lol It was awful! And like they say, in slo-mo, and you can't do anything about it!
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member
    OMG I wiped out in the Meijer gas station parking lot! Had my work boots on with the laces tucked in & they got caught in the "quick lace" thing & down I went! It was like walking with your shoelaces tied together! lol It was awful! And like they say, in slo-mo, and you can't do anything about it!

    I've wore lots of boots with lace hooks, and learned (after many slow-mo falls) to tuck the excess laces into the tops of the boots. lol
  • DonaGail
    DonaGail Posts: 190 Member
    Oh gosh, Im a Fedex driver and last year a couple of days before Christmas, we had a terrible snowstorm and our planes were late so we were behind all day. I was getting close to finishing and the sun was setting and I trotted up a driveway in a tire track when I hit solid ice. I fell so hard the letter went flying and I was sure that I had broken my wrist and possibly my hip! A city guy in a huge plow stopped and ran to me, it scared him half to death. He helped me up, retrieved the letter and made sure I was ok. Poor guy left his salt spreader on and made a pile in the road! I hurt SO bad I immediatley took some perscription naproxin for pain and inflammation and forced myself to finish delivering.
    Man, Ive got to move to a warmer climate or win the lottery.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    A few months ago I was a chaperon at a youth dance and went outside to walk the building. There was a kid out there and I started up this little grass knoll my feet went out behind me and I was FLAT on my face... OUCH...
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    This morning, while I was trying to wake up, I was on my way to the bathroom when I stepped on one of those tiny hot wheels cars, lost my balance and went head first into the door frame...hubby rushed to me with a half thawed chicken breast and slapped it on my forehead while he was laughing uncontrollably. My three year old wiped away my tear and said, "im sorry momma, be careful!" Still trying to get rid of the headache! LOL
  • Nursing home. High heels. Dressed to the nines. Wet patch. O.M.G.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i teach children, and i fall down ALL the time. especially when the games we play get crazy!

    this past weekend, i was arranging a game (called "poison"), where all the students stand, holding hands, in a large circle. in the middle of our circle, there is a smaller circle drawn (or what have you) on the floor... that's the "poison". the aim of the game is to pull one student or several into the circle, therefore they are "out" and the circle gets smaller and smaller as kids get eliminated. well, this time the kids decided it'd be a great idea to pull teacher into the "poison". they all pulled, and i face-planted almost instantly! ((i was fine, although i am black and blue today.))

    the kids giggled for about 45 minutes... :):):)
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    My most epic fall happened a few years ago at bible college. A group of us were carpooling to church, and we were waiting for one gal. So they sent me into the women's dorm to find her. I was dressed up with a skirt and heels, and slipped on some really bumpy ice and sprawled face first. My kneecaps had dents in them for a year from that doozy. The best part was going back to the car and one guy pipes up, "don't worry, your skirt stayed down." Uh.... Thanks?
  • kg1058
    kg1058 Posts: 26
    Two weeks ago, trying to get to the phone before my 2 year old granddaughter did! I made it, but barely - luckily it was a family member so it was easy to just explain that Grandma is just a klutz. (Although the wrist will probably need another xray in a week - ouch!)
  • agwilker
    agwilker Posts: 104 Member
    5 years ago. My first and last time ice skating. I went with my college roommate and her boyfriend. I was doing pretty good, it seemed really similar to rollerblading to me. I think I was getting way too confident and started going a lot faster, and my feet slipped out from under me and I fell right on my butt/tailbone. I was in shock a little bit, until some guy asked if I was okay. Of course I say, "Yeah, I'm fine." :sad: Then I spent the next week in bed at the dorm. I should have probably had an x-ray done at the time, because I can't sit for long periods anymore without it hurting.

    Oh the time before that was in high school on an icy patch on the sidewalk on my way to school.

    I have learned to stay away from ice needless to say.
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    i teach children, and i fall down ALL the time. especially when the games we play get crazy!

    this past weekend, i was arranging a game (called "poison"), where all the students stand, holding hands, in a large circle. in the middle of our circle, there is a smaller circle drawn (or what have you) on the floor... that's the "poison". the aim of the game is to pull one student or several into the circle, therefore they are "out" and the circle gets smaller and smaller as kids get eliminated. well, this time the kids decided it'd be a great idea to pull teacher into the "poison". they all pulled, and i face-planted almost instantly! ((i was fine, although i am black and blue today.))

    the kids giggled for about 45 minutes... :):):)
    Yep. Only I was trying to stop a new special ed child from escaping and stepped on a hoola hoop on the gym floor. It went one way and I felt like it took forever to fall as I kept shifting my weight trying to protect the knee that I had severely bruised to the bone about five months before. Yep, he giggled and my assistants were horrified as I lay there on my back like a turtle. Had weeks of physical therapy for a bone spur that formed. (All this was Dec. and May) After the shock one of my assistants replayed my movements on the way down. Apparently I could join a circus or something. Prat falls are us (me) I think this is always worst when you are really over weight like I am . (130-145 pounds over).
  • Gary1977
    Gary1977 Posts: 804 Member
    Last winter I was trying my best to hurry out the front door because I didn't want to be late for work. The front porch had frosted over but you couldn't see it. When I hit that porch at a half jog, my *kitten* went one way & my elbows another.:sad: What a friggin fall! When my brother came out to see if I was ok &saw that I was, he laughed so hard he cried. He said words couldn't describe the sight he saw through the glass door.

    Keep in my at that time I weighed 660+ pounds. I bet that was quite a site!:blushing: :laugh:
  • Bit too much to drink.... i attempted to give a friend a ride on my back. Didn't work so well...
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I was walking my dog downhill on gravel, (like I have RUN down so many times before) and it happened. In what felt like slow motion, I slipped in a hole of some sort, slid in the gravel and somehow my chin ended up hitting the ground. When I finally sat up, it was all I could do. People all around me, (no one close enough to give me a hand or eye contact-thank god!) and all my dog wanted to do was continue down the hill. There I sat, bloody knee, holey pants and hands on fire!! Gravel in my knee, palms & I later found out in my chin. Instantly I was 10 years old! (Even though I'm 41) I'm okay, but I wonder when is the last time you fell and were able to laugh at yourself??

    The last time I nearly fell was this morning hopping onto the bus. But I caught myself in time and it was just an embarrassing stumble.

    The last real fall was along a walking path by the beach a few months ago where I tripped over something invisible and could feel myself fly through the air and crash down hard on my hands and knees. I grazed/bruised my palms and knees and nearly burst into tears while I debated whether to call my dad (I was staying at his house for the weekend) to pick me up, but I decided that I was a grown up and could hobble home.
    I didn't find it very funny, but my husband did!