I need third time here to be the charm...!

So.... here I go again hoping I can stay the course. I'm in my mid-40's and want to drop 40 pounds. I would like some company with similar goals so we can encourage each other :)

I really like this site, I'm sure it will help if I stick to a plan.


  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    "It matters not if we try and fail, and try and fail again. But it matters much if we try and fail and fail to try again."

    Click on "Community" then "Find Members" and search for people similar to yourself.

    Be patient. It took YEARS to gain that weight. Take it off slow and learn to be healthy. We all have ups and downs and LONG plateaus... just keep at it.
  • d1lazarus
    I am 34 and trying to drop 150. I realized one day that I have 2 neices and a nephew and if I kept going the way I was I wouldn't get to see them grow up, or be able to keep up with them as an uncle should. Good luck on your weight loss goal.