17 dd for 10/10/11!



  • LaLainya
    Day one complete! I know that you shouldn't weigh yourself everyday but it is hard not to at the beginning when you lose the most. It appears that I already lost 2 lbs! Even if it is just water weight it is still very motivating.

    For excercize I go to the gym after work and do 30 minutes of cardio. Either on the eliptical or the tredmill and then do about 15 minutes of weights. I expect that I will be kicking up my routine once I start to plateau in the later cycles.

    Good luck all on another successful day!
  • Janel1978
    Janel1978 Posts: 27 Member
    Today Im off to a good start. I had my eggs and grapefruit for breakfast. And just had my 2nd fruit of the day which is red grapes.
    Does anyone know if its ok to take a Acidophilus probiotic-4 supplemant instead of having yogurt. I burnt my self out on the yogurt the first time around with this diet. And I would rather take the supplemant. I loaned my book out to the neighbor and if anyone knows let me know.
    Going to do the 30 day shred in a little bit. Then off to the gym later for a run.
    Hope everyone is having a GREAT Day!!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Okay so Day 1 wasn't that good. I did great until dinner. It just wasn't enough and I ate some cheeseballs. I did exercise some though. Today will be much better. I'm going stick to the plan and hit the gym tonight.

    My exercise is

    outside walking, soccer, eliptical , or bike for atleast 30 or more mintues a day. I also use a kettle bell but can't really tell if its working.
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    good job LaLainya on the 2 pounds. that's a great start! i was tempted too but i actually gained a pound :(
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member
    Hello all,

    I started the 17 dd on Sunday. I am excited to join other people following the plan. I have food issues and can't have dairy or yogurt along with a number of other foods. I have been using soy milk along with a probotic tablet. I wanted the calcium along with the extra calories. I'm not sure how much that will effect my weight loss. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.


    sw-257 (8-11-07)
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    hi everyone,

    I made some pumpkin tilapia stew/soup last night. Here's the list of ingredients. I think all of it is allowed on cycle one:

    pumpkin (about 3 cups cubed)
    mushrooms (about 2 cups)
    bok choy (2 cups chopped)
    celery (2 stalks)
    red and green peppers (about 2 cups combined)
    scallions (1 bunch)
    onions (1/2)
    shallots (1 large one)
    baby carrots (about 2 cups)
    tomato (1 plum sized)

    i let some stuff saute and then added about 4 cups of water and the other stuff (carrots, bok choy, pumpkin and tilapia). i ate some last night and took some to work to eat for lunch today.

    unfortunately, the dept where i work was having a luncheon today with pizza, ice cream and cookies. i HAD to go. so i went, got some salad and 1 slice of pizza. i pulled the spinach and red peppers off the pizza along with the cheese and ate that with my bland garden salad. i ate one bit of the pizza and left the rest cause i couldn't put it back in the box after touching it. i made it through lunch and went back to my desk and ate my yogurt and my grapes.

    ate another snack of fruit at 3:30 even though I know fruit is not allowed after 2. i had 2 servings of my pumpkin soup after i got home from yoga though. my stomach was grumbling in class.

    so now i'm nice and full with no cravings. off to bed to get some reading done and get up in time tomorrow for day 2 of my 5:30 AM walk. i just wish my pedometer worked.

    hope everyone had a good day today and a better one tomorrow.
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    Hello all,

    I started the 17 dd on Sunday. I am excited to join other people following the plan. I have food issues and can't have dairy or yogurt along with a number of other foods. I have been using soy milk along with a probotic tablet. I wanted the calcium along with the extra calories. I'm not sure how much that will effect my weight loss. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.


    sw-257 (8-11-07)

    hi Lelah, i can relate to having issues with food. i'm lactose intolerant and have been for a long time. ive found though that certain dairy products are okay. for example, cheddar cheese has no lactose and i can eat it but forget any other cheese. i can do yogurt but not ice cream. i can't drink regular milk just lactaid. maybe you can try lactaid yogurt, that has worked for me in the past or perhaps almond milk.

    good luck with tomorrow
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Hi All, I just received my workbook today and I will be starting tomorrow. I hope you all do not mind me inviting myself to the thread!

    Starting weight 188.8

    17 DD weight 179.0

    Ultimate goal weight 160-165
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Is anyone else having a hard time reaching 1200 cals a day. If i only eat whats listed a s meals i have like 600 cals left. Maybe i'm not doing something right?
  • kristizzzle
    Sooo ... C1D1 is complete and I feel great!! It wasn't difficult at all for me. I ate the vegetables, protein, yogurt and fruits that are already some of my favorites. I did have a small sweets craving this evening though - the no fruit after 2pm may be the most challenging for me -- nothing a pomegranate cranberry flavored green tea won't fix!

    My calories are super low though, but I stopped eating when I was full with each meal. Not sure how I could eat more calories with these restrictions.
  • Janel1978
    Janel1978 Posts: 27 Member
    yes I never reach my calorie goal on this diet. And i eat tons of vegis and meats. I think its normal in the first cycle.
  • LaLainya
    good job LaLainya on the 2 pounds. that's a great start! i was tempted too but i actually gained a pound :(

    Thanks shellonis!

    You sound super motivated and I am sure the lbs will start shedding off in no time!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Two days done! I have done well except for the couple handfuls of milk chocolate chips I had last night. It was only about 150 cals worth and I still was under calories. I am ok with it but will try not to do that every day. It will be hard now that the package is open!

    Going to lunch with a supplier today so I plan to get a big salad! Hopefully they don't pick a Mexican restaurant because I have a really hard time resisting the chips and salsa. They might think I'm crazy if I just start eating the salsa with a spoon. lol.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • bail01
    bail01 Posts: 15 Member
    I started the 17 dd last week and lost 7lbs! then went away for the long weekend (thanksgiving here in Canada) and gained 3.5 back :( so I'm back on track this week. I think I will extend my first 17 days to about 20 to make up for the long weekend.

    SW - 279
    CW - 275.5
    Goal for 17 days: 268

    Frist Mini Goal: 250 (-29 lbs)
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    You know you guys. I cant lie. I had to stop this diet. It reminded me too much of when I did atkins. When I did it I lost 90 pounds in 9 months. ( went from 305-215) and when I went off of it within a year I was back up to 270. I don't want to do that again! Im sticking to low-carb but, its more like the second faze of this diet. :(
  • kristizzzle
    You know you guys. I cant lie. I had to stop this diet. It reminded me too much of when I did atkins. When I did it I lost 90 pounds in 9 months. ( went from 305-215) and when I went off of it within a year I was back up to 270. I don't want to do that again! Im sticking to low-carb but, its more like the second faze of this diet. :(

    I think if you are determined to not let it be like that time again for you, then it won't. The cycles are meant to be repeated anyway until you reach that ultimate healthy goal weight.

    I'm stickin' to it!! As much as I want to just eat my nut thins with hummus, my 100 calorie cookies and chocolate dusted almonds - I won't! I'm going to train my body and myself to enjoy vegetables and proteins and yogurt in a clean way. I will reward myself with the ability to run a 10K, the strength to raise my standards of men and the confidence to wear a little black dress!
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    You know you guys. I cant lie. I had to stop this diet. It reminded me too much of when I did atkins. When I did it I lost 90 pounds in 9 months. ( went from 305-215) and when I went off of it within a year I was back up to 270. I don't want to do that again! Im sticking to low-carb but, its more like the second faze of this diet. :(

    I think if you are determined to not let it be like that time again for you, then it won't. The cycles are meant to be repeated anyway until you reach that ultimate healthy goal weight.

    I'm stickin' to it!! As much as I want to just eat my nut thins with hummus, my 100 calorie cookies and chocolate dusted almonds - I won't! I'm going to train my body and myself to enjoy vegetables and proteins and yogurt in a clean way. I will reward myself with the ability to run a 10K, the strength to raise my standards of men and the confidence to wear a little black dress!

    I'm eating low-carb :) Its just that I have my Vita-top muffin every day for snack. I still eat veggies, lean meats, protien shakes. I should probably just tough it out. But, Im having a hard time letting go of my vita-tops!
  • LaLainya
    You know you guys. I cant lie. I had to stop this diet. It reminded me too much of when I did atkins. When I did it I lost 90 pounds in 9 months. ( went from 305-215) and when I went off of it within a year I was back up to 270. I don't want to do that again! Im sticking to low-carb but, its more like the second faze of this diet. :(

    I think if you are determined to not let it be like that time again for you, then it won't. The cycles are meant to be repeated anyway until you reach that ultimate healthy goal weight.

    I'm stickin' to it!! As much as I want to just eat my nut thins with hummus, my 100 calorie cookies and chocolate dusted almonds - I won't! I'm going to train my body and myself to enjoy vegetables and proteins and yogurt in a clean way. I will reward myself with the ability to run a 10K, the strength to raise my standards of men and the confidence to wear a little black dress!

    I'm eating low-carb :) Its just that I have my Vita-top muffin every day for snack. I still eat veggies, lean meats, protien shakes. I should probably just tough it out. But, Im having a hard time letting go of my vita-tops!

    I think that it is acceptable to stay on the diet and modify it to your needs. That is where I struggled last time. I did really good for the first 2 cycles and then I had a coupld slips and decided to stop it altogher. This time I am sticking to the plan as closely as I can. At this point the pounds I lose keep me motivated. However, when I hit that point where I want to have a snack, I am not going to let one bad decision sabatoge all of the hard work I have done. After all, it is about getting to a place where we are making the right choices for life. :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    My official start weight this morning was 185.6. I went up 4 lbs over the CDN long weekend... :grumble:

    I started the day with leftover turkey, and actually felt really good, and a little more clearly focused during my morning class.

    I ate that, and prunes (dried... I'm not sure if that counts...), a plum, an egg, some avocado, green tea! Then tofu (not allowed) and bok choy with other cooked veggies. Hanging in there so far! Did a lot of walking today, so not doing the Shred today. I'm feeling hungry now, and think I might make some beet juice (beets and veggies). I don't know if beets are allowed, cause I didn't see them ANYWHERE in any phase...
    Does anyone know if its ok to take a Acidophilus probiotic-4 supplemant instead of having yogurt. I burnt my self out on the yogurt the first time around with this diet. And I would rather take the supplemant. I loaned my book out to the neighbor and if anyone knows let me know.
    Janel... YES it is! I take lactobacillus acidophilus because I can't have cow milk (I can have goat, but it's more expensive). The book suggested taking this supplement if you dont want yogurt, or whatever. GREAT IDEA! :flowerforyou:

    lkenn67... Is soy milk allowed in the 1st 17 days? I ate tofu in my veggies (I made them last week, so I wasn't going to take them out). I also have edamame, and fully intend on putting them in with my other veggies, even though it's not allowed. Beans are another area I think I might just let myself slip into, even though they aren't added until the 2nd 17 days.

    shellonis... Thanks for the recipe! Sounds delicious, but I don't think pumpkin is allowed in the 1st 17 days. (BUT if you read above, that doesn't really matter too much to me.)

    mscoco10... Try having a little more protein or dairy, or add in some things (like tofu, and edamame, in my case, which technically aren't allowed) to meet your daily needs! This isn't about starving. :wink:

    ail01... Congrats on the weight! :happy: Too bad about Thanksgiving... Same thing here!! 4 lbs!! So this will be good for both of us!

    Loves2snack... I know how you feel!! It reminds me of the Carbohydrate Addicts Diet (but not as extreme in the results for me). I want to (and am in some cases), just jumping into phase 2 with certain food items (see my responses above).

    kristizzzle... YEAH! I want to eat more protein and veggies (mainly veggies), and learn to enjoy them more. Even today in my shopping, I got apples and grapefruit, but not a lot of greens.
  • lkenn67
    lkenn67 Posts: 215 Member

    The soy milk isn't on the list for cylce 1, but I am like you. There are little tweeks to the plan I am making. I am trying to stay as close as I can, but there are somethings I will change. I think any diet has to be something you can live with. When I eat things I shouldn't I get an upset stomach and headaches that last for weeks. So I try to stay away from certain foods. For some reason the yogurt culture is one of them.

    So far today I am doing well. I am feeling hungry now. I need to pick up my daughter and head home. Dinner tonight is tilapia with zuchinni (which I bought before I realized it wasn't on the list), and a salad.

    It is weird about the tofu. Since tempeh is on the list, you would think you could have other soy proteins. This might be another area I bend.
