Yes, I had a fat day and It felt great

I had my first "fat" day in 2 months. I think I deserved it, no? Let's see. My job is stressful, I take care of mentally handicapped adults with lots of behaviors, lots of verbal and physical agressions, a lot OCD behaviors...On top of that, I am attempting to study (procrastinating now) for my test on neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology on Tuesday. I have been studying my *kitten* off for 2 weeks straight. Plus the dreaded TOM is coming! I am already down 3 lbs this week and I am under my calories for the week so I thought why the hell not!

Here's what I had (Just the bad stuff)

- Chicken parmersan fried in olive oil with mozzarella cheese on top
- Noodles with tomato sauce
- Garlic bread
- 3 cups of chocolate milk (1 cup in the AM and 2 at night)

I definitely went over my calories for today, But tomorrow I am back on. Lot's of water to flush out sodium and strict diet. I am totally over all the cravings I am having. I just needed ONE fat day :)

Soooo tell me...What do you guys, or what have you guys eaten on your "fat" days? :)


  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Sounds yummy and a fat day every once in a while is deffo good for the soul. Good for you and why not you deserve it x
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    That's your fat day? That looks like a healthy day for me lol
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    This summer I had a waffle cone every couple of weeks - but I didn't actually go over my calorie goal to do it. I only went over once and that at a friend's birthday party on the special treat foods.

    Now that it's Fall I will probably not have waffle cones cuz it's not that hot. Probably I'll have something like hot chocolate, but I'll still try to do it within my daily limits. I do have whatever I want once in a while, if I have to exercise to "earn" it, then so be it.

    Edited to add - who am I kidding? I bet what I really cheat with this Fall is PIE - I will have to have a good workout to earn that!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I don't have any "fat days". Occassional treats just don't work for me & only makes me binge. Instead what I do is I include some small portions of burger, fries, candy etc. on my food log but I make sure not to go over my calorie intake for the day.
  • louisebear
    well this weekend i went crazy.......saturday night dinner out, on the menu was fish so that was fine, all washed down with TINTO VERANO and loads !!!!!!!!! then pub crawl and plenthy of cider !!!!!!!! next morning hungover hubby looked after my son and he cooked me chicken kievs and instant noodles followed by mckoys steak flavour crisps and sports drinks....needed the boost to move hahahaaa then dinner that sunday was a no no as i was still feeling sick.......sooo WOWOW I really over did it but we all need this once in a while.

    Im glad to hear that u look after special needs adults, my son is four and has microcephly which is a nurological disorder. so i totally understand when u say ur stressed lololol
  • juggalotus
    Today is actually the first time I went over by A LOT. Very rarely I will go over maybe by 50 calories. If I want a treat, I will make sure I am within my caloric range. But today, I just felt the need.... lol.
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    I think that a cheat day every now and then is totally acceptable. Plus, what you had yesterday is far from awful. You're doing great!
  • pinguwings
    That's not a bad day at all.

    Just a side note -
    'Mentally handicapped' is not a term that should be used to describe people with additional needs. It's offensive. And if that's your job you should know that. It equates disability with inability. It also comes from when people with disabilities would have no means of earning money other than begging - literally cap-in-hand - handicap.
  • lookitscaitlin
    lol, since going on this, I havn't had a fat day YET ( i stress that) it will usually be like 1 fatty thing every so often, like one day i had an ice cream and the rest of the day was healthy. I have been tempted though, proud that i have lasted this long though :) usually I give up!
  • juggalotus
    well this weekend i went crazy.......saturday night dinner out, on the menu was fish so that was fine, all washed down with TINTO VERANO and loads !!!!!!!!! then pub crawl and plenthy of cider !!!!!!!! next morning hungover hubby looked after my son and he cooked me chicken kievs and instant noodles followed by mckoys steak flavour crisps and sports drinks....needed the boost to move hahahaaa then dinner that sunday was a no no as i was still feeling sick.......sooo WOWOW I really over did it but we all need this once in a while.

    Im glad to hear that u look after special needs adults, my son is four and has microcephly which is a nurological disorder. so i totally understand when u say ur stressed lololol

    YES! everyone needs one's good for you. As long as you don't over do it. I don't know how i did this everyday though. Honestly. I could never do that kinda thing every day now! yuck! Anyway, Yes I absolutely love my job despite the stress factors. We don't really have any neurological disorders where I work except for 2 Cerebral Palsy cases. That's about it. Never heard of Microcephaly. I have heard of Anencephaly and hydrocephalus before....but not Microcephaly. He's only four though :( that's too bad. poor little guy.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    We went to olive garden for dinner. 1500 calories; yep no typo there. But it's okay by me. I'd hardly touch any of it normally.
  • fordster99
    fordster99 Posts: 181 Member
    I have worked in the field you are working in so I completely understand how challenging that can be. I have been hit, kicked and bitten more times than I can count.

    I love Cracker Barrel but my fiance hates it. The only time we go there is for my birthday and since we were going out for my birthday, that is where we ended up going for lunch. I could have totally ordered something healthy but my favorite thing there is the chicken fried chicken. I totally got it along with mashed potatoes and gravy, hashbrown casserole and coleslaw. I decided not to feel bad because I don't eat that way normally. I used to eat meals like this three to four times a week if not more so once in a year isn't going to kill me.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Today I had a fat day too ^_^ Thanksgiving Dinner. Was sooo good and so worth it. I haven't really had much of a cheat meal in weeks.
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    I had my first "fat" day in 2 months. I think I deserved it, no? Let's see. My job is stressful, I take care of mentally handicapped adults with lots of behaviors, lots of verbal and physical agressions, a lot OCD behaviors...On top of that, I am attempting to study (procrastinating now) for my test on neuroanatomy/Neurophysiology on Tuesday. I have been studying my *kitten* off for 2 weeks straight. Plus the dreaded TOM is coming! I am already down 3 lbs this week and I am under my calories for the week so I thought why the hell not!

    Here's what I had (Just the bad stuff)

    - Chicken parmersan fried in olive oil with mozzarella cheese on top
    - Noodles with tomato sauce
    - Garlic bread
    - 3 cups of chocolate milk (1 cup in the AM and 2 at night)

    I definitely went over my calories for today, But tomorrow I am back on. Lot's of water to flush out sodium and strict diet. I am totally over all the cravings I am having. I just needed ONE fat day :)

    Soooo tell me...What do you guys, or what have you guys eaten on your "fat" days? :)

    Ahh... bliss! Good on ya.
    I think its good to have an 'off diet day'. Keeps ya sane.

    I like hot chocolates... so for my 'fat day' I would have 2 or 3 hot chocs! sssh! and some chocolate scorched almonds or chocolate roses.... just chocolate in general! haha.

    Back to the good, healthy food tomorrow aye>!?!
  • juggalotus
    That's not a bad day at all.

    Just a side note -
    'Mentally handicapped' is not a term that should be used to describe people with additional needs. It's offensive. And if that's your job you should know that. It equates disability with inability. It also comes from when people with disabilities would have no means of earning money other than begging - literally cap-in-hand - handicap.

    Yes, they changed it. When i first started working at my job, it was "G***** County Board of Mental retardation/Developmental disabilities" They dropped the MR and kept the "developmental disabilities" And in no way am I saying my residents are unable to do anything in any kind of way. Yes they have delays but they go out and work out in the community and earn money and do things for themselves. Yes, some need total assistance but They are smart as hell. More than some people think. I love my residents, I would never say anything like that about them. I am used to saying "mentally handicapped" around people who wouldn't understand "developmental delay" Since a developmental delay can mean anything. I have ADD so some people may consider that a DD since it can hinder the way people learn.....Sorry If i offended you, but I didn't mean it like that.
  • Flossycat100
    It's my understanding that 'mentally handicapped' is still a perfectly acceptable term in the US. I also work with people with disabilities for an international company (I am based in the UK) and I am very aware that the terminology from one location to the other is markedly different.
  • trouse11
    trouse11 Posts: 30 Member
    I totally agree. Lets see I had cheese, pepperoni and crackers. A slice of zuchini bread and some nachos with salsa. I work the night shift and when all these snacks are on the table its hard not to indulge. But I too have been doing pretty good and this is my first "fat day." I will get back on track today though. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!
  • lookitscaitlin
    It's my understanding that 'mentally handicapped' is still a perfectly acceptable term in the US. I also work with people with disabilities for an international company (I am based in the UK) and I am very aware that the terminology from one location to the other is markedly different.

    in new zealand we call them special needs or disabled, we don't use the term 'handicap' often because I think some people think it's offensive. But i guess it's different everywhere
  • lookitscaitlin
    I totally agree. Lets see I had cheese, pepperoni and crackers. A slice of zuchini bread and some nachos with salsa. I work the night shift and when all these snacks are on the table its hard not to indulge. But I too have been doing pretty good and this is my first "fat day." I will get back on track today though. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!

    whoah lol what's zucchini bread? never heard of it :S
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Good for you... Sounds like you deserve it!