Diet pills

Does anyone here use them? or whatever they are, pills to help you lose weight, not sure what they r called. I personally wouldn't, I really want to train myself when it comes to exercising and eating. What's your opinion on them?


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    NOONONO! I tried them once in high school, and was rushed to the ER with a resting heart rate of 260, nearly had a heartattack.
  • I wouldnt go near them i've read in lots of reports that they do not work for the good they mess you up they dehydrate you hence why they state to drink plent of water with could die from taking certain ones because of what some of them contain

    The only one i know that does work is Metformin but that is a prescription only one as its an anti-diabetic drug and only works in women, my mum was prescribed it by the doctors to aid in her weight loss.
  • theres some sort of other stuff, like seeds that you put into your food too , like chia or something, makes u full but i wouldn't try that either lol, wouldn't want to rely on something like that.
  • I had a low point about 2 years ago and ordered some silver slimming pills. I took them for about a week. I hardly slept, felt sick, peed all the time and thought at one point I would have a heart attack.. It felt a lot like amphetamines but a bit crappier.

    Not sure whats in them to this day and the thought of being so irresponsible again terrifies me tbh. What an idiot - I have 2 kids fgs!!

    I am now of the opinion that they are a waste of time and that enough water would do the trick.
  • Yeah i know what you mean i dont like the idea of taking pills every day to get to my goal weight when i know i can do it with will power and hard work ^_^
  • Whoah, I never knew they did so much damage, :S I'd hate to see people fall into the trap, yay for MFP :)
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member

    4.gif <--- This. Diet pills are bad bad news. Stay away from them.

    My friend is a jockey. He took one to lose weight for a horse race a while back. It was supposed to be all natural. He didn't sleep for two days and when he stopped taking it he was walking around like a zombie because he was so tired.
  • Yeah i know what you mean i dont like the idea of taking pills every day to get to my goal weight when i know i can do it with will power and hard work ^_^

    Definitely! and when/if you go off them, you wouldn't have learnt anything and you'd go back to your old ways. It's so unnatural.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member

    Read the label of Any diet pills and what does it say?? "Use with a sensible diet and exercise routine"........ how about just use the diet and exercise routine instead. The pills are just a gimmick. If you were to use the gimmick, er, i mean diet pills, it also tells you to drink Lots of water...... So if we toss out the diet pills and just stick with the exercise, diet and lots of water, you will lose weight sweetie!!
    And before you ask NO, coffee, tea, diet drinks and (sadly) beer does NOT count towards your water intake for the day!!!!!!
  • noooooooooooooo

    Read the label of Any diet pills and what does it say?? "Use with a sensible diet and exercise routine"........ how about just use the diet and exercise routine instead. The pills are just a gimmick. If you were to use the gimmick, er, i mean diet pills, it also tells you to drink Lots of water...... So if we toss out the diet pills and just stick with the exercise, diet and lots of water, you will lose weight sweetie!!
    And before you ask NO, coffee, tea, diet drinks and (sadly) beer does NOT count towards your water intake for the day!!!!!!

    lol thanks, if you read my first comment, i said i wouldn't take them, I just wondered about them, if people used them and what they did. I see they are soooo not good, lol and don't worry, drinking plenty of water :)
  • Totally agree yay for MFP it is the best forum ive come across for a long time ^_^...
  • i took a pill (can't remember the brand) a few years ago for reasons other then dieting, but they were known as a dietary supplement, and literally it messed up my stomach so bad. I missed school and everything from them because i couldn't be away from a toilet for more then 15 minutes at a time. Super embarrassing, but true. i would never take a diet pill again, i've always heard bad things about them anyways. There's no cheating your way into a healthy lifestyle.
    JUDGEDBY1 Posts: 115
    you do loose weight with them but for a short period of tym, what many of the so called "Diet pills" do is detoxes the body and thats all. Many of the tablets are lyk little magnets that once u consume all it does is collects sum of the fat in the body and if u relise once u use it u rush to the toilet. You get short term results, but in the long run ur stuffed, u actually get double the weight. :)
  • . There's no cheating your way into a healthy lifestyle.

    Exactly! :)
    you do loose weight with them but for a short period of tym, what many of the so called "Diet pills" do is detoxes the body and thats all. Many of the tablets are lyk little magnets that once u consume all it does is collects sum of the fat in the body and if u relise once u use it u rush to the toilet. You get short term results, but in the long run ur stuffed, u actually get double the weight. :)

    don't worry! :) never thought of taking them :P after seeing all of these comments, it is definitely never an option!
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member

    Read the label of Any diet pills and what does it say?? "Use with a sensible diet and exercise routine"........ how about just use the diet and exercise routine instead. The pills are just a gimmick. If you were to use the gimmick, er, i mean diet pills, it also tells you to drink Lots of water...... So if we toss out the diet pills and just stick with the exercise, diet and lots of water, you will lose weight sweetie!!
    And before you ask NO, coffee, tea, diet drinks and (sadly) beer does NOT count towards your water intake for the day!!!!!!

    lol thanks, if you read my first comment, i said i wouldn't take them, I just wondered about them, if people used them and what they Did. I see they are soooo not good, lol and don't worry, drinking plenty of water :)

    Ah,It helps to read everything doesn't it? LoL my bad!! :-/ Sorry it's just a natural defense mechanism kicking in!! :-)
    Glad to know your doing things right! :-)
    But maybe someone else reading my comment will be virtually slapped by it and not take them.
  • noooooooooooooo

    Read the label of Any diet pills and what does it say?? "Use with a sensible diet and exercise routine"........ how about just use the diet and exercise routine instead. The pills are just a gimmick. If you were to use the gimmick, er, i mean diet pills, it also tells you to drink Lots of water...... So if we toss out the diet pills and just stick with the exercise, diet and lots of water, you will lose weight sweetie!!
    And before you ask NO, coffee, tea, diet drinks and (sadly) beer does NOT count towards your water intake for the day!!!!!!

    lol thanks, if you read my first comment, i said i wouldn't take them, I just wondered about them, if people used them and what they Did. I see they are soooo not good, lol and don't worry, drinking plenty of water :)

    Ah,It helps to read everything doesn't it? LoL my bad!! :-/ Sorry it's just a natural defense mechanism kicking in!! :-)
    Glad to know your doing things right! :-)
    But maybe someone else reading my comment will be virtually slapped by it and not take them.

    lol yeah i understand though once you see that sort of thing, it's an instant "NOOO! DONT!!" lol and yes, hope so!
  • posherspice
    posherspice Posts: 15 Member
    Just to put another point of view: I took phentermine under medical supervision and found it very helpful in managing early evening hunger. Of course what actually makes the difference is a healthy diet and exercise, but phentermine did help me over the very difficult first few months. I've lost 50lbs, am now at target weight for the first time in twenty years (and have been for six months) and take nothing - but am very grateful for the help it gave me and for the understanding doctor who prescribed it and supported me.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I use pills. fish oil and multivitamin.
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I have taken Lipobind in conjunction with diet/exercise. The reason I chose this pill was because it is suitable for taking as a once off when you have let yourself go - so if there is a special night out where I know I'll be eating a high fat meal, I'll take some lipobind with me to help with damage limitiation. I've had no side effects at all but I don't take it with every meal or indeed every day.
    It is supposed to block some of the fat from the digestive process.

    I tried Xenical once - never again. Unless you want to run to the toliet 'just in case' every time you pass wind., it is not a pleasent way to lose weight. I lasted about 3 days on that before they went in the bin