Dukan Diet anyone?

I was at a birthday party yesterday and 3 women were talking about 'Doing the Dukan' diet and how they've all lost 6lbs or so in a week and kept it off and isn't it boring but so great for you etc etc.
I have read a little bit about it and am going to have a google now but i just wondered if others have done it (and for a longer period of time?) and how did you find it?


  • loubroy
    loubroy Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I have been doing it for nearly five weeks now and have lost a stone. I am still about 7 pounds off my target weight but am starting to reindtroduce some more foods into my diet. The basic principle is that you go on an attack phase for a few days to kick start the diet which is pure proteins (but low fat ones) and oat bran, then you go on a day of pure proteins and a day of proteins and vegetables. I lost about 6 punds in the first week too and then the weight loss does slow down. I do exercise a fair bit too (between 45 mins to 90 mins 5 times a day) so am hopeful that I can slowly take the rest off and keep it off. I found it easy to follow though and it is the first diet I have ever really properly stuck too.
  • EvelynForsyth
    EvelynForsyth Posts: 272 Member
    Gosh, a stone in five weeks! I have had a look and done the 'ideal target weight' calculator and it seems i'd only need to be on 'Attack' for four days so i think i'll give it a try! Do you count calories while you do it and log it on MFP?
  • rosiesparkle100
    I didn't lose any weight, and found it really dull!
  • loubroy
    loubroy Posts: 5 Member
    I have just started logging calories as I am introducing foods back in, but have always found that I never eat more than I should calorie wise on the Dukan diet anyway.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    I just started Dukan and am on day 6 of the Attack phase. As of this morning, I'm down 5 lbs. So far, so good. First couple of days are extremely rough though. the worst for me were the headaches and nausea.
  • sdmcbride10
    sdmcbride10 Posts: 51 Member
    I am on Day 2 of the "Cruise"phase I am 3 pounds away from my "True Weight." I love the fact that it's not difficult going to restaurants to do because ALL restaurants have food which is allowed on any phase. I do know that it will be easier to stick to long term because of its simplicity. I did find it interesting that my True Weight is 150lbs. It gave me some relief but my ideal weight initially was 146lbs.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, i am starting cruise today are you doing 1/1 or 5/5 ratio?
    Congrats on your progress!
    I am on Day 2 of the "Cruise"phase I am 3 pounds away from my "True Weight." I love the fact that it's not difficult going to restaurants to do because ALL restaurants have food which is allowed on any phase. I do know that it will be easier to stick to long term because of its simplicity. I did find it interesting that my True Weight is 150lbs. It gave me some relief but my ideal weight initially was 146lbs.