100 day challenge?

wholefoodgirl Posts: 8
edited October 3 in Motivation and Support
Would anyone like to join me in a 100 day challenge? I'm planning a trip early in the new year and I need some motivation! :)

100 days from now is January 18th. For those 100 days, I plan to:

1. Drink 2 liters of water each day.

2. Exercise a minimum of 3 times per week for a total of 90 minutes.

3. Eliminate as much processed food from my diet as possible.

4. Eat at least two meat-free lunches or dinners each week.

5. Stay within my calorie allocation at least 6 days each week.

If anyone is interested in joining me, please send me a friend request. I'm looking forward to cheering you on! :)


  • vasare
    vasare Posts: 18
    Hey! I want to join in! :)
  • Me me me!
  • im up for it!
  • Great! Will send you both friend requests. If you'd like, you can put whatever your goals are in this thread and we'll keep it going!
  • lucyrose_
    lucyrose_ Posts: 55 Member
    Hello! I'd like to join in! Really need a target! I'll send you a request :)
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    yes i'm on board!

    I'm starting my 30 day training soon and i'm getting my eating in hand this week - i've been very lax lately!

    must stop drinking so much coffee and drink much more water!!!
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    i'm definitely in on this one :)
  • I think most of mine are similar/the same as yours! I liked yours. :]

    1. Drink 120 oz. of water each day.
    2. Exercise a minimum of 4 times per week for a total of 120 minutes.
    3. Eliminate as much processed food from my diet as possible.
    4. Eat at least two meat-free lunches or dinners each week.
    5. Stay within or under my calorie allocation at least 6 days each week.
  • sgha
    sgha Posts: 225
    I'll give this a go!
  • vasare
    vasare Posts: 18
    Well, my personal goals for the 100 days (starting today) would be:
    1. Stay under my calory allocation 6 days a week;
    2. Drink 2 l of water every day;
    3. ALWAYS have a glass of water before any meals or snacks;
    4. Do a 30 min. workout at least 5 days a week (Im on Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 at the moment);
    5. Limit my candy snacking to no more than 4 bars (40 g) a week;
    6. Sleep at least 7 hours a night.

    Thats about it :)
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    Personal Goals

    1. drink 2lt of water per day
    2. only allow myself 1 chocolate once a month
    3. 20mins of exercise everyday (currently on day 22 of 30 day shred and will carry on once it's finished)
    4. stay under my calorie allocation at least 6 days each week
    5. stay under my fat allowance everyday!!!!!

    my boyfriend is going into the Royal Marines on 23rd January so this is perfect. Just before he leaves I get to remind him of what he's coming back to :)
  • lucyrose_
    lucyrose_ Posts: 55 Member

    Drink 2 litres of water everyday (also drinking a glass of water before each meal/snack - that's a good one!)
    Cycle to work at least three days a week
    Finish the 30DS!
    Stay within my calorie allowance for at least 6 days a week
    Eat less carby evening meals
    Limit drinking wine just one weekend night - not both!
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    eek am i the only british one :-o
  • lucyrose_
    lucyrose_ Posts: 55 Member
    eek am i the only british one :-o

    No... I'm from Manchester!!
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    eek am i the only british one :-o

    No... I'm from Manchester!!

    phew :D thought i was gonna be the odd one out there haha
  • I'm in England (dual US/UK citizen). :)
  • lucyrose_
    lucyrose_ Posts: 55 Member
    I'm in England (dual US/UK citizen). :)

    Awesome! Wherabouts are you?
  • oop norf -- South Tyneside :)
  • stephm112
    stephm112 Posts: 297 Member
    oop norf -- South Tyneside :)

    haha you picking up the accent then :P i'm a londoner
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    <-- also UK bird, i'm in Norfolk :)

    I only went over my calories by 36 yesterday - its weird cos if i stick within my calories MFP shouts at me for eating too few (its allocated me 1200) yet i cant eat EXACTLY 1200 cals!!

    My goals are

    1. Drink my 2-3L water
    2. Exercise as much as possible (once per day when i start my JM dvd)
    3. Cut out junk food
    4. Cut down on coffee
    5. Stick within my calorie goal
    6. And STICK with it!

    yesterday i managed everything apart from the exercise, i did get a walk into town with the little one but no spare time to workout!

    I probably should be working out now as baby is asleep BUT i've got work tonight and i dont wanna be sore!

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