Me and my kids went to my mother's for the night. They went and bought us all sweets. I went over calories by 800 and I never worked out. I started today off badly too, and I am back home and out of calories and still suppose to eat supper. Not to mention all the food is at the base of my throat making me sick.. I'm up 3lbs.. How do I get back on track?


  • ChristyMomx3
    Me and my kids went to my mother's for the night. They went and bought us all sweets. I went over calories by 800 and I never worked out. I started today off badly too, and I am back home and out of calories and still suppose to eat supper. Not to mention all the food is at the base of my throat making me sick.. I'm up 3lbs.. How do I get back on track?
  • xtraquispe
    xtraquispe Posts: 24 Member
    Simple! Just start back tomarrow! We all fall, I slip for about a week sometimes, but you gotta brush yourself off and start back again. Tomarrow is a new day!!

    Go ahead and eat supper, if you can stomach it, and leave today in the PAST!!

  • sblades
    sblades Posts: 75
    I'm sure lots of people have had days like this.
    I have had lots!
    The thing I do when I fly off the wagon, is get up the next day and get back on.
    Tomorrow will be better, drink your water, eat your veggies and try again.

    Once I let go of guilt for things that I felt I had little control over, food didn't make me sick and I was able to try again the next day, every time.

    Tomorrow is a new day!
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Have a light healthy dinner (salad?) and start fresh tomorrow. :smile:

    If you can find the energy, do some exercise or take a walk tonight.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Without mistakes (our own or others') it is difficult to learn... dust yourself off, regain your focus and move forward. Tomorrow is a new day! Start carrying healthy treats with you where ever you go so that you always have a good alternative :happy: Most of all, forgive yourself, have a light, healthy dinner, a good nights rest and start fresh tomorrow with an intense workout to rid yourself of some of the guilt and girth...:heart:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    we all have bad days. Are you hungry? if so have a light dinner. if not, don't worry about it. I'd recommend a nice long walk or even just a good romp around the yard with your kids. build a snowman maybe? It'll burn off a few of those extra cals. Don't worry, in the grand scheme of things, 800 cals over is nothing. it takes 3500cals OVER maintenance to gain 1 lb of fat. so you're ok, dust yourself off and try again. And tell your mum NO MORE TREATS! lol if she wants to spoil the kiddies, fine but have her leave you out of it. :flowerforyou: