teacher diet!



  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    I do something like that now, I walk the ship up and down steps, the guy are aways asking what are you doing, but I have to do it in steel toe boots

    So THAT's how you keep in that kind of shape John!!!!
    it really kills my legs, since I've gotin back on the ship I don't even workout my legs
  • Hello All,

    I am on day 6 - school psych for a high school :glasses:

    Yes, Everyone has the same idea! I bring bananas and Zone Perfect bars for snacks and lunch. Don't forget to bring LOTS of bottle or a gallon you drink out of everyday!!

    Sometimes I will heat up a Lean Cuisine at lunch instead. At dinner it is usually fish or chicken.
  • That is so true about the school year 20 lb gain!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I pack my lunch EVERYDAY! Don't eat what the cafeteria prepares or the Lounge offers. Snacks include: Curve's bars, Special K's Chocolate Drizzle bars, fruit, or Wasa Multigrain slice with Laughing cow Light cheese wedge. The children have a scheduled snack - and so do I. My afternoon snack is right after the last child leaves the classroom.
  • That is so true about the school year 20 lb gain!!! :flowerforyou:

    I know! It happens every year..but not this year..I'm hoping to stop it at 10! ;)
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Breakfast Idea:

    Hard Broiled Eggs - broil the night before and they are ready to go!
  • I wish I would have found this site before school started :laugh:
  • johnblake
    johnblake Posts: 661
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Breakfast Idea:

    Hard Broiled Eggs - broil the night before and they are ready to go!
    it's like revenge, everyone knows when I eat hard boiled eggs, that would be sweet walk by some kid and rip one:blushing:
  • so glad at least the holiday goodies are gone for a while!:grumble:
  • That is not good - well, you might want to skip that then :bigsmile:
  • AllenMom4
    AllenMom4 Posts: 294 Member
    I know how hard it is! I go through the same thing and im an Elementary teacher, so you really can not eat in front of them.
  • Wow! thanks everyone! don't you love how supportive teachers are of each other? since this is a holiday, i have not been able to put any of the suggestions into my routine yet, but i plan on doing so tomorrow. i'll let you all know how it goes after the week's over.

    i have two planning periods, but one is at the very beginning of the day (essentially after breakfast) and the other is right after lunch. is this too close to another meal to snack? i guess i could get a power bar down between classes, but there are only 3 minutes!!! yikes!

    thanks again everyone!
  • jhacker
    jhacker Posts: 301 Member
    I teach fourth grade at an inner city school and food has always been a stress buster for me. I have changed my choices of food for snacks and keep a can of almonds at my desk. I sneak a few from time to time.:wink:
    Also, I keep fruit around and try to snack during planning periods.
    We have to stick together!! Enjoy the day off!!!:flowerforyou:
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    I am a 2nd grade teacher and don't get to snack often. I only have 2 (sometimes 3) planning periods PER WEEK!!! :explode: So snacking isn't in my daily routine. I work in a poor neighborhood where the free breakfast and lunch is mostly all the kiddies get to eat. On one salary, I can't always afford snacks for everyone, and the school has a (in my opinion) ridiculous rule that we can't serve food before lunch or for 30 minutes after the last lunch is served - so 2:00. Anyway... my day usually looks like this:

    B @ 6:00 - homemade smoothie - LF yogurt, 1/2 banana, Naked Juice - and 1/2 English muffin with peanut butter (about 350 cals)

    L @ 11:45 - Progresso Light soup and crackers OR low fat tuna salad sandwich and an orange OR small portion of left overs from last night (about 300 cals)

    Snack @ 3:00 - fresh veggies and Laughing Cow wedge OR low fat popcorn OR 100 calorie pack

    Dinner @ 7:00 - whatever I can get for about 600 cals!

    I know I should snack more and not eat that large dinner, but at this hectic school food is usually the last thing on my mind. When I do get a prep, it's right after lunch, so that doesn't do me any good. I have admin called meetings twice a week and usually an IEP meeting one of the other days during prep. Those of you that get prep every day (or even TWO!!!) AND recess... count your blessings!! :smile:
  • Half then and half the next hour or two?
  • LifesPilgrim
    LifesPilgrim Posts: 498 Member
    I really feel for those of you that teach elementary. I worked with K-2 as a reading resource person. Spent a lot of time offering potty breaks.

    Makes me glad to be back in Middle school. I really need them old enough to blow their own noses and tie their own shoes. :flowerforyou:
  • Chele615
    Chele615 Posts: 11 Member
    I am a teacher as well....high school special education. I usually have breakfast at home and a small snack right before homeroom. Our schedule is kind of messed up and we have homeroom after the second block of the day. Then I have lunch around 11:30 and then we're out and I'm usually home by 3:00 every day. It's nice because the way that the schedule is set up, there's an opportunity to pretty much eat (whether it be snack or lunch) every two hours.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    middle school- 7th grade here :happy:
    Wow I had no idea we had so many teachers!! I make my breakfast sandwich (bagel, canadian bacon and a slice of cheese) as I walk out the door, and eat it on the drive in. Then I have a snack as they work on Math at about 11:15 - usually my hard boiled egg (I make them up in batches of a dozen on the weekend then we're set all week). Lunch at 12:40 where I eat my turkey and mustard sandwich and popchips (best invention ever), and my apple (cliche, like somebody said, but the perfect afternoon snack) at 3 when they go. Then I am in perfect condition for a 350-400 cal dinner and I never get that "so hungry I am gonna kill and eat a kid" feeling.

    Woo-Hoo teachers. :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    AJCM that is a great idea and would work in my high school classes too. Maybe I'll try that! They eat so much junk! We have 85 min blocks and some of the magnet students have early bird at 6:45 am and don't eat lunch until 12:15 when they have me since I have 2nd lunch so I have to allow the snacks. They can't think with their stomachs so empty and it is not good for them to go that long without food. How can I preach a good diet including small frequent meals and not allow them to have a snack. They have it during warm-ups or pre quiz study time(first 5-10 min of class) and have to finish it before I start the lesson or go over the warm-up. I like the healthy snack idea with seconds of free time.:drinker:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary

    Love it Amy! It will also keep you on track! Around the holidays, I would start bringing in Christmas cookies and the students would bust me!!
  • lisarae
    lisarae Posts: 113
    High School Counselor/Alt. Ed. Director here!
    I have kids in my room ALL THE TIME. I allow them snacks and have a small fridge in my room (snuck that by the administration!). I keep baby carrots and yogurt (I freeze it in the fridge and then mix it up with cereal) , Lowfat microwave popcorn, lots of apples, oranges and Smart Ones Meals. I also keep 25 cal hot chocolate on hand and nuke a mug of water and mix it in. Very filling. I stay away from the lounge except to run in for an occasional diet soda. I also get up at 4:30 and workout for an hour. TONS more energy and somehow that supresses my appetite???

    Yay teachers!:wink:
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