When was the last time you fell...in love!



  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    I fell in love with my exbf when we dated which ended last Dec.

    I currently do have a crush on someone, but I'm trying to keep school my focus until I finish in July.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My husband often does or says something to make me fall in love with him all over again. Last time was this past weekend when we went on a park date.
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    Falling in love with my husband every day over and over again! He sure can drive me insane but I love him unconditionally.
  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    Not sure I've ever been "in love" I figure I'll know if I was when I actually am.

    As for a crush. DEFINITELY. Enough courage to say anything? No. He's one of the instructors at my gym and we'd become pretty good friends. We have lunch together every week or two - because we work close together. And we do coffee every now and then.

    Recently I've felt a change in our friendship, but I can't put my figure on what it is, or if it's just me analysing it too much or seeing it from a different side now I have figured out I have feelings for him. It's just little things like, he used to always wait for me after a class and want to walk out to the carpark together - he never said this, but you could just tell. But now sometimes I feel like a pain in his *kitten*. He seems different around our mutual friends who are in a relationship/married compared to how he is around me. But then if it's just me and him he's different again. I can't figure him out. Boys are not supposed to be this complex lol.

    I guess more than anything I'm just worried about him 'freaking out' as most guys tend to do if a chick likes them and they don't feel the same. Yeah I'd be gutted if he didn't feel the same way, but I'd pick myself and move on. No need for any awkwardness... but there always seems to be.

    Maybe one day I'll pluck up the courage?

    He's the first guy I've had any feelings for since I went through an extremely poisonous relationship and a physical/emotional breakdown last year - which led to the weight gain :ohwell:

    He's amazing. He's beautiful. He's fun to be around. Wish I could say something....
  • JackKsavestheday
    JackKsavestheday Posts: 182 Member
    3 months ago... she is awesome and smart and has the best smile, She is loving and giving and kind. She makes me feel like a new person and when she looks into my eyes I feel so peaceful like everything is right. I love holding her and the way she seems to just fit when we are laying next to each other.

    but today...

    today she introduced me to her girlfriend.

    Thats so sad =( I'm so sorry!!!

    thanks and no worries