Daily Calorie Goal vs Calories earned with exercise



  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    For those that are confused about eating back exercise calories - have you read this?

    I think it explains everything quite clearly....

    Just as you have to accurately count the calories you are eating - you also need to accurately (as much you can) count the calories you burn during exercise.

    This means, if you're not wearing a good quality HRM & are relying on the exercise calories amounts listed in the MFP database, then that could probably be the cause of your lack of weight loss.
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning everybody,
    I wanted to ask you about weighting myself. What would you suggest - to weight every day, every three days or once a week???

    Healthier to wait and do it once a week! As a recovered Bulimic over weighing your self can discourage you to much!!
  • grannygethealthy1111
    I feel that every BODY is different. What works for me at 61 years of age will not work for you. I have lost 93 pounds so far by listening to my body, discovering what works for ME and discarding what doesn't work. Your BMR is determined by your body size and composition, your sex, and your age. Food is not the enemy. It is fuel for our body, nothing more and nothing less.

    I believe a good kitchen scale is important. We need to learn portion control. Weigh and measure all of your food until you learn proper portion control. In the beginning of this journey I thought I was eating a 4-oz. skinless chicken breast, but it was really 8-oz. when I put it on the food scale. Experiment with different exercises. My running 2 miles may burn far fewer calories than you running 2 miles. That is why all of the charts and calculators are general guidelines only.

    Bottom line for all of us regardless of our age or sex is stop eating too many calories for YOU and stop exercising too little for YOU. Clean up unhealthy habits, such as skipping breakfast or not getting enough sleep. Understand that such things as genetics and family history, medications, etc. will affect how you lose weight. If something is not working for you, try something different.

    Good luck!
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    My advice is that Every ones body is different, If you dont seem to be loosing eating all of them back then only eat half and see how that goes or only eat what your hungry for,,, Yesterday I cleaned all day and have over 1000 to eat back and there was no way I had time nor was I hungry for it lol I only eat back about 200 having a few sweets before bed,,, If you find that that still isnt working for you dont eat them back! Just dont go under your 1200 Min a day consumed or you might start gaining back!
  • adera1059
    Good morning everybody,
    I wanted to ask you about weighting myself. What would you suggest - to weight every day, every three days or once a week???

    Healthier to wait and do it once a week! As a recovered Bulimic over weighing your self can discourage you to much!!

    I will take your advise - and start weighting myself less. I try once a week for a month. thanks
  • zakkthebear
    zakkthebear Posts: 52 Member
    I'd really take whatever "goal" Kcal that MFP is telling you with a lot of salt.

    I just got my BF% done (hydro-static) and a RMR test and they were within 110 kcals of each other. MFP put me on a 1850 goal, and my RMR was 2640. add on 8-10 hours (avg. burn an hour at 710 kcal) at the gym a week busting *kitten*, and I was in starvation mode even on cheat days. If I had eaten back *ALL* my calories burned, it still would not be enough.

    In short: this is a very rough guide. if you really want to know, or don't seem to be making the progress you really and truely feel you should be making (eg not cheating on your diet and really pushing yourself in your workouts) get outside, expert help done.
  • FaithHopeBELIEVE
    Just read thata rticle and love it. I am the "smaller than the avg. woman" she stated in that article so I am vowing to only eat half my cals back. I did just buy a HRM today in hopes to be more acurate. Based on my height I have a BMR of 1100.