Which DVD???

I'm currently doing the 30DS..... but it gets a little boring besides im free most of the day...so i was thinking i should try another dvd and may b alternate them during the day...i could one in d morning and the other in evening.....
i have almost all of Jillian's dvds..... killer buns and thighs....... No m ore trouble zones.......ripped in 30..... etc.....

im sort of a beginner..... so i cant do any extreme workout right now.... i really want a gud dvd prog for my daily workout....... it doesnt really have to be Jillian's.....

plus i'm an apple...so i really wana get rid of my belly fat ....... :embarassed:


  • navyw1fe
    navyw1fe Posts: 313 Member
    I did 30ds from beg of aug till middle of sept now im on level 3 of ripped in 30 and level 1 of 6wk6pk. i do 6wk6pk first then wait about 30mins and do ri30..after these 2 im moving onto KB&T then her new dvd comes on dec 6th extreme shed&shred.thats my xmas present :happy:
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    Try looking on collagevideo.com

    Tons of videos to choose from and best of all they have tons of reviews and a preview of each video to help you decide if you'd like it before you buy it.

    I've always used The Firm DVDs - I especially like the Transfirmer series and their older stuff. If you like step videos, I can tell you which were my favs - just send me a PM if you want more info on them. I also REALLY love Cathe's intensity DVD. It's got lots of stuff that you can mix as you'd like - I usually only do the step portion. It's a great workout for all levels in my opinion. If you're just beginning, you can just do the moves at a lower intensity. But as you're feeling stronger, you can really dig in and get a super workout! You do need a step though - at least for the first part.

    Good luck!