Need some advice about DVDs and/or the Gym

I'm hoping some of the fitness experts here can help. When I started on MFP in February (at 143 pounds, 5'3") I had been going to Curves for about 5 years. I decided to add in the Jillian Michaels DVDs to help with weight loss and toning. I did them 6 days per week, plus Curves 5 days per week. I hit goal in May (125) and have since dropped to 118 and I'm looking to maintain. I've been between 118 and 120 since late June. I love what the DVDs have done for my body, more muscle tone, thinner thighs, chest definition, etc.

Right about the time I lost the last few pounds I decided to go to 3 to 4 days per week with the DVDs, keeping with Curves 5 days. I also started walking around that time, for about an hour 3 to 5 days per week. My Curves recently closed so I've joined a "regular" gym. On the days I can't walk due to weather I do the recumbant bike. I also use their weight machines for about 45 minutes each day.

So, right now my workouts look like this:

Mon - Fri walk for an hour or recumbant bike for 40 minutes, 45 minutes on the machines at the gym
MWF - Jiilian DVD
Sat - Jillian DVD

Is continuing the DVDs on MWF overkill? Are they working the same muscles as the machines at the gym? Is is too much exercise? Am I "copping out" by giving up the DVDs during the week and just doing on the weekend? Part of me says I am doing enough, that I don't NEED the DVDs as long as I stick to the walking and the gym. The other part of me has grown "attached" to them and feels like not doing them is giving up somehow......

I'd be interested in other's perspectives on this. Thanks!
