New Beginnings

Hello, i am here with a fresh new start. I don't really mind dieting, but what bothers me is when friends and family constantly ask me if I should eat that? Are you sure its on the diet? Or that's to small of a piece of meat. Or its to big...i become cornered by to many questions and begin to doubt what I am doing. Worse part is I actually lose when I do diet. This time I am not telling people..I will just do my thing and say I am ordering light if i go out. Now i am not doing calorie It's been to hard on me, so I am doing carb counting and my Dr says that's fine as long as I don't over do it. And as i watch and don't overdo the calories to bad, And make sure I add carbs back in. I really could use support, a chat buddy, a text buddy to see how we are doing and more of a *Go team situation. best of luck to everyone.


  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    I totally feel you- my mother especially drives me CRAZY about what I eat. (and fyi- I live an a totally different country than she does!) This site will definitely help you become more accountable and aware of what you are eating. I am also doing a low carb kickstart. It is difficult but if you have specific goals it will motivate you. I have started and stopped so many times in the past. This time, I view this as a LIFESTYLE change- not a diet! :smile:

    If you hate exercise (like I did!) you will will probably become addicted. I actually want to go to the gym now. Old me would have made every excuse not to go. Especially once you see the weight loss happening- it is super exciting!

    Good Luck- and do not forget to Have Fun!:tongue:
    Feel free to add me if you'd like!