

  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Ex-LotRO addict here. Debating starting to play again now that the new expansion came out.

    I'm told I'm missing "geek cred" though because I've never seen Star Wars, but meh. Currently reading Song of Ice and Fire. Love LotR, Sword of Truth... I actually started reading Wheel of Time, but for some reason had to put it down and didn't pick it back up. Hm. I should go back to it.
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    I've always longed to be a super-intelligent shade of blue, and I never go anywhere without my towel.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have the improbable outcome to take care of an S.E.P.

    I don't go anywhere without my towel either! ;)
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I didn't want to post in here. But a group of the bigger guys shoved me into the thread.

    Can someone get a teacher?
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Not sure what makes a person a nerd.

    I don't play video games. Except the occasional Atari Pong.
    My daughter has to load my iPod.
    I don't text, sext, twitter, tweet or blog. MFP is the only non-work related website I go into.
    Yesterday, I had to ask some people I was playing soccer with what "House Music" was. Later looked it up on YouTube. Really? That's what the cool kids listen too?

    So. You tell me. Am I a Nerd?

    I always thought that a nerd was someone who was smart, liked to read, did well in school and was socially a little awkward... maybe dressed a little funny. That's me. LOL
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Not sure what makes a person a nerd.

    I don't play video games. Except the occasional Atari Pong.
    My daughter has to load my iPod.
    I don't text, sext, twitter, tweet or blog. MFP is the only non-work related website I go into.
    Yesterday, I had to ask some people I was playing soccer with what "House Music" was. Later looked it up on YouTube. Really? That's what the cool kids listen too?

    So. You tell me. Am I a Nerd?

    I always thought that a nerd was someone who was smart, liked to read, did well in school and was socially a little awkward... maybe dressed a little funny. That's me. LOL

    Thanks for clearing that up. I AM A NERD!!
  • Stacera
    Stacera Posts: 347 Member
    oooohhh HERE!!! Star Wars, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Buffy, Angel, Big Bang Theory, Warehouse 13, Alphas... Heroes..

    love to read.. constantly reading mostly Sci Fi

    ohhh love Harry Potter...

    I should probably stop for a moment and calm down.. my geekiness is rising and I'm at work.. they musn't know!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I didn't want to post in here. But a group of the bigger guys shoved me into the thread.

    Can someone get a teacher?

    I'd try to help you, but they'd probably get me, too! :sad:
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    Definitely here!! :) Long time nerd, met my husband in a M.U.D, ex everquest, ex wow player, love video games, I work as a 3D clothing designer in a virtual online world, into Doctor Who, Star Trek TNG, Voyager and DS9, LOVE Harry Potter, Monty Python, LOTR, Buffy, Red Dwarf (got the holly reference immediately, lol), and lots of others I can't even name, lol.

    Oh, and SMEG!
  • Slimithy
    Slimithy Posts: 348 Member
    Been a NERD for a long time. I'm also a recovering WOW-Addict. I'm using Zelda Twilight Princess like Methadone to keep the WOW cravings under control.
  • cheekydeeky
    cheekydeeky Posts: 146 Member
    LOVE Big Bang Theory! :)
  • BrendarB
    BrendarB Posts: 2,770 Member
    I caught the Holly thing right away, currently working my way through the entire Red Dwarf library on the netflix. Firefly was the best though.


    Firefly was Amazing ......(SOB) we dont talk about the movie in my house though. It makes my sister and I cry.

    I have to admit my biggest nerdiness is books though. Ill read anything sci-fi fantesy that I can get my hands on. I own my R.A. Salvatore and forgotten realms than most people know exsist.:bigsmile:

    Love the Firefly series, still watch it on my hangover days with a bottle of chocolate milk - it makes me feel better!

    Total nerd checking in - I play D & D 4th edition, but I'm not a computer gamer nerd, I'm more of a social nerd - boardgames, RPG.

    re-reading the old Dragonlance series waiting for the next installment of the Drizzt series to release in paperback - yep - total nerd checking in.