
I have lost 15lbs before I joined this website. However, I know that two of my struggles are and one is about to show. Any ideas on how to over come this without adding my 15lbs back on?

My stuggle: every month, about a week before my cycle, I want to eat. And I NEVER get full. I have healthy snack on hand (vegetalbes, fruits) but this is just not working. All I think about is a big hamburger with frys. I cannot do this. I canno eat that. I have no idea what to do. I know once I find what helps thrugh his I wll be okay, but finding it is just about to put me under a table. UUUGGGHHHH! :explode:


  • allehp
    allehp Posts: 96
    I turn into a food monster when I get my period hahaha. My trick is filling up on like..inhuman amounts of water and herbal tea. Not only do they help with the water retention/bloating but they make me feel full. :) I'll down 2-3 glasses of water before a meal and have my tea ready right after, it makes me feel like I ate a ton even when I didn't haha =P
    Good luck!
  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    I have the same issue...sometimes my will wins...and sometimes it doesn't...I wonder if it is a dietary deficiency?
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Maybe you can substitute that burger for a turkey burger, and those fries for turnip fries. You just have to ignore the demons and fight it. After some good fighting, it will pay off and become easier, but the more you give into those demons, you will never become stronger.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    The only thing I can say is willpower. There is not an easy answer. :flowerforyou:
    FAVOLOSOMII Posts: 188 Member
    TOTALLY understand. I just try extra willpower then. Not that it always works because I STILL crave sweets, but I try to do the best I can. I try to eat those snack size candy bars so I don't feel deprived.

    Maybe more fruit too for you?
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    So eat a burger and fries! Just make it yourself so that you can control exactly what goes into it. I like to use ground bison meat for my burgers, and I eat them on Sarah Lee 80 calorie and delicious wheat hamburger buns. If I must have cheese, I use either a slice of light swiss, or smush a laughing cow cheese wedge on top. I prefer sweet potato fries, so I either buy sweet potato spears from Trader Joe's or cut them myself (this would work with regular potatoes too), toss with 1 tbsp olive oil, and sprinkle with a little pepper and garlic salt. Roast at 400 for about 20 minutes (flip them halfway through) and voila! Fries.
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    Maybe you can substitute that burger for a turkey burger, and those fries for turnip fries. You just have to ignore the demons and fight it. After some good fighting, it will pay off and become easier, but the more you give into those demons, you will never become stronger.

    Completely agree.

    If your goal is to maintain this lifestyle, you need to figure how to HAVE the things you crave but not let them beat you. Turkey burger (with half the bun) and sweet potato fries is just as good. Ignoring cravings leads to binges. And honestly, if you want the real things, a plain hamburger from McDonalds is 200 calories and a small fry is 230. 430 calories for a meal, depending on your calorie goal, is completely doable.
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    I had this problem too. What worked for me is that I stopped believing that I can't have that stuff. I CAN eat whatever I want to eat, in the right portion. So first I had to work on willpower. I had to stop eating big macs and started eating cheeseburgers. Stopped ordering large fries and started eating small fries. Once I was able to control what I liked eating to a better portion size, I cut it in half. So I had a cheeseburger with a tiny amt of fries. I even had a 1/2 of a big mac before. And I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS logged it in! ALWAYS! I think the logging in is what helped me downsize my portion. Because I saw how many calories I was eating.

    Don't tell your body no. It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. Tell your body, "Not THAT much or not right now" And learn to listen to your body too. I've been able to turn a lot of my cravings to equal things but healthier. I actually enjoy eating spinach now and stuff like "that". (rolling my eyes at the "healthy" stuff. Who would have ever known that I, Melinda, would one day eat "healthy")

    After going through that, I started trying to work harder or longer to get some calories burned. Then all of a sudden, I didn't want to work so hard for a big mac and stopped craving that stuff in time. I still worked out hard, but now it wasn't for the high calorie food it was for the high of knowing where I was and where I'm going.

    But it's one day at a time. One pound at a time. You CAN DO THIS!
  • brkm13
    brkm13 Posts: 6
    Exercise does help me feel better during "that time of the month" even if I feel like absolute crap before hand...I load up on some advil liquid gels and feel much better afterwards, even if it is just a slow walk outside in the neighborhood. You can't eat while you are exercising. LOL!

    As for the cravings two things that help me are chewing a mint flavored gum like wintergreen or peppermint and brushing my teeth like I have OCD. Whenever I eat anything (when I am having a "bad" day), I brush my teeth afterwards and I want to keep that "clean mouth" feeling for as long as possible (without having to brush yet again) so it prevents me eating more. LOL! I know it sounds silly, but it works for me anyway.

    Also, when I get in a funk it helps to step away from the computer and tv and find something engaging to do with my mind and some type of creative craft project. Even if you've never done any thing like that before, there are a million things to choose from...take a class in something that looks interesting. It helps.
  • ADM1979
    ADM1979 Posts: 105 Member
    I bought some new gum. Extra Dessert Delights Orange Creme Pop. So far so good. And I also bought two snickers snack size candybars. I did have one but the other is sitting there and it is NOT calling my name. Thank you everyone for the advice. I am keeping a "I got this!" book and wrote alot of what you said.

    I can do this! And I may have a burger now and then, but like you said do turkey burgers or very small burgers (kid size) That I can do too!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Sounds like you're getting the right mindset!

    Craving a burger during TOM may partially be due to an actual physical need for more iron. Red meat has a lot of it but so does turkey so that turkey burger is a good option. Just make sure to check your labels to make sure it's leaner than the regular burger option. Unless you're actually trying to avoid red meat, turkey's not always better for you as some ground can include dark meat and skin and have more fat and calories than lean ground beef.
  • ADM1979
    ADM1979 Posts: 105 Member
    New Question: since turkey is better . . . is game turkey better than store bought turkey? We are hunters and turkey and deer season is fast approaching. Is it better to eat wild meat or store bought? How would I find calories to wild meats?