Cant stop eating potatoes



  • stefchica
    stefchica Posts: 257 Member
    you cant stop...they're grown in a pile of crack cocain and rainbows that when it hits your lips it keeps you wanting more.

    i admit i have a potato problem :ohwell:
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    i LOVE potatoes too!!

    mix them with other things, like roasted veggies, so it easier to stick with just one serving of potatoes.

    and there's a lot of cauliflower/potato recipes out there. i've tried the mashed potatoes and they were awesome!
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    adding chopped olives or avocado slices is a much better source because you can get the whole food as well as the good fat which has much more nutritional value :)))
  • missjelika
    missjelika Posts: 115 Member
    OMG!! THERE IS ANOTHER ONE OF ME OUT THERE!! lol I love potoatoes, it is my favoirute food and not having them is soo hard for me to stick to my diet! i started about a week ago and I am going strong!! Good luck!
    Lol you are not alone. Im just afraid its making me eat way too many carbs
  • missjelika
    missjelika Posts: 115 Member
    I love all of you for replying. made me feel like I was not alone and all the suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Boil them! Or steam them.... they're fine until you add all that fat on! 40kCal per TEASPOON in olive oil! You probably use about 5 teaspoons worth when roasting.... do the math! Add healthy dressings like lemon juice and herbs and a tiny bit of olive oil or olive oil spray so it's just enough!

    The olive oil is much healthier than the potato. Potato starch is digested much in the same way that refined sugar is. It will spike your insulin and could lead to disease. Olive oil raises your HDL levels and helps prevent disease.
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    I use sweet potatoes instead of the potato. I now prefer it. If you love "mashed" potatoes then steam some cauliflower and a few potatoes and make your mashed potatoes out of that mixture. You will get the potato taste without all the carbs. I do that when I make a sheppards pie and my daughter has never tasted the difference. I mash them with unsalted organic butter and almond milk.
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    Phew, I saw a couple harsh comments on here like "try not buying them" and I almost hulked out. But then I saw all of the other tater lovers out there said what I wanted to say and I calmed down...

    Potatoes are cheap, fillinging, cheap, nutrient rich, cheap, and versitile. I eat them daily with no shame, and I stay within my goals.

    I love a small sized baked potato with a scoop of vegetarian baked beans. A little cheese too if I am feeling frisky. Add a small salad or side of broccoli, and your are done!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    Your potassium levels must be excellent ;D
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I say if you like them and want them, eat them. Maybe you're missing something in your diet and your body is finding that in potatoes - like potassium, for instance. At any rate, as long as you're not frying them or putting on super fatty toppings, potatoes are good for you. If indulging in a potato a day will keep you focused on the good stuff, eat away!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    OMG!! THERE IS ANOTHER ONE OF ME OUT THERE!! lol I love potoatoes, it is my favoirute food and not having them is soo hard for me to stick to my diet! i started about a week ago and I am going strong!! Good luck!

    And that is exactly why you shouldn't cut a food out of your diet entirely. You just end up obsessing over it. Potatoes are a good food, just need to be used in moderation like anything else.
  • I love potatoes any which way i can get them ... i am even trying to make my own healthy potatoe chips. but i went through a familiar thing a few weeks ago i had to eat bread.. any kinda bread too i agree though anything in moderation is ok ..
  • RobertaKR
    RobertaKR Posts: 22 Member
    Oh yeah! A fellow potato addict! I know exactly how you feel. I LOVE potatoes and crave them like other people crave sweets.
    I love them anyway you cook them (except for German Potato Salad). Love baked potatoes and can now eat them with salt & pepper. I used to love to put a ton of butter on them, but nixt that. I will use some fat free sour cream too. You have to figure it's better than having a candy bar :happy:

    Potatoes get a bad rap! They are not unhealthy, it's how they're cooked and what they're served with, that boosts them into a less desireable food category. Carbs from potatoes aren't bad, everyone need carbs, it's the carbs from sugar you have to control.

    1 baked potato 110 grms with skin (that's where lots of the nutirents are) contains, 45% of your Vitamin C, 620 mg potassium (used by almost every system in your body), as well as fibre, iron, and protein. Put a scoop of low fat chili on top of your baked potato and you'll feel full for hours plus you fell like you cheated on your diet.
  • cdstadt
    cdstadt Posts: 311 Member
    Potatoes get a bad rap! They are not unhealthy, it's how they're cooked and what they're served with, that boosts them into a less desireable food category. Carbs from potatoes aren't bad, everyone need carbs, it's the carbs from sugar you have to control.

    1 baked potato 110 grms with skin (that's where lots of the nutirents are) contains, 45% of your Vitamin C, 620 mg potassium (used by almost every system in your body), as well as fibre, iron, and protein. Put a scoop of low fat chili on top of your baked potato and you'll feel full for hours plus you fell like you cheated on your diet.

  • polarduke
    polarduke Posts: 23 Member
    Potatoes suck! Check your blood sugar two hours after eating a bunch and see if they are harmless!
    You don't 'need' that many carbs. We can live on fat and protien w/o carbs.
  • I eat microwaved potatoes almost EVERY night, and since I've started that, I feel fantastic. They're incredibly filling, and awesome with fat free sour cream. I swear by potatoes, and I'm gonna tell you now to ignore the tater haters. Whenever I've hit a point where my weight gets sticky and won't budge, I eat potatoes and I get past it. I was stuck at a certain weight forever, and got on a potato eating kick. Pounds started melting off. I've tested it at enough sticky points to find that potatoes help a lot. So, I make it a habit to eat them almost nightly. Not just 4 oz either, oh heck no. I budget in 12 oz some nights. There's nothing more filling than that. I made a top round steak/french onion/veggie concoction I throw on it last night, omg sooo good. Or top it with chili, beef stew.. possibilities are endless. Potatoes are magic. VIVA LA POTATOES!

    Edit: I also always stay either right at or below my daily carb allowances according to what MFP assigns.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    i don't care for potatos (russet, anyway) but i eat a sweet potato almost every day.

    as long as they aren't slathered in butter and cheese, i'd say go for it! Eat them until you don't want to anymore :)
  • RobertaKR
    RobertaKR Posts: 22 Member
    All this talk about potatoes and coincidentally... my daughter asked me to make potatoe soup. It's now simmering on the stove. : D