Desk job snacking

So I have an issue with portion control, which has especially set in now that I've been at a desk job for the past year and a half. I can snack so mindlessly, and it drives me nuts! Not good when you're working 9 hour days!

So here's what I'm thinking: I want to take those gallon ziploc bags and fill them with each day's snacks, and label them Monday, Tuesday, etc.

I would separate out the refrigerated portions (yogurt, baby carrots, etc) but my main issue is with candy and other tempting vending machine items!

I'm sticking around 1300-1400 calories per day, and I'm predominantly a snacker, and get 'hangry' (hungry/angry) easily, so my main meals tend to be small.

Does this sort of 'visual' plan work for anyone else? I think I need to see what all I'm eating in one place, hence the bag, and I'll know I've had too much if I dip into Tuesday's bag. Make any sense? And what are your favorite snacks? I would want to keep each total bag around 500-600 calories.


  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Great idea!! I always think it's a great idea to pre portion your food - and especially in your situation!! I would completely avoid the vending machine!!

    some great snacks, or what I think are great snacks, include....
    nuts - pistachios, almonds, etc.
    rice cakes (the mini ones are good, and you can pre-portion those easier - and it makes you feel like you're eating more than a couple of the regular size ones!)
    yogurts (greek yogurt comes in small snack size containers and has like 9g protein for only 100 calories or so)
    sugar free pudding/jell-o
    hummus w/veggies or pretzels
    protein bars - these can be high in calories, but Luna makes mini protein bars, and I think Cliff does too that are under 100 calories each.
    string cheese - weight watchers is delicious - it's the only kind I eat - and it's only 50 calories each.
    mini babybel cheese -- the light is only 50 calories.
    turkey pepperoni
    Fiber One 90 calories bars or brownies
    OatFit Oatmeal (100 calories or so a pack)

    *Try to choose snacks high in protein - and eat a lot of fiber - both make you feel full & satisfied.

    and always drink tons of water -- it helps you feel full
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    When I ws in college and just couldn't avoid the vending machine, I would pick pretzels or goldfish. Or I would bring broccoli or carrots to class. Maybe a fruit. Not anything loud that would interupt anything like an orange, Or banana. And if you must eat candy I would eat 1 piece of individually wrapped candy.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I don't take any cash or change with me to work - can't get anything out of the vending machines....
  • beatleschic87
    beatleschic87 Posts: 260 Member
    That's a great idea considering that I too have a desk job and always want to nom.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I pre-portiomed... it helps massively but prepare some good retaliation banter to throw at colleagues who may make snide remarks about control/diet etc!
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    i can't say that the visual plan has worked with me for food (i haven't tried) but it certainly worked for me when budgeting money. i used to set little paper clips with each days money allotment in it. when it's gone it's gone.

    it might be inconvenient but you can avoid the vending machine by not carrying cash. also each time you are considering a treat outside of your allotment look it up on here. something about seeing those 200 extra calories in print makes it not seem as tasty of an idea!
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    I buy everything I possible can already packaged in single servings. And if it isn't packaged that way I count, weigh or measure out the single portion amount. And that's all I allow myself to have in one sitting. It has worked well for me.
  • Tiffany517
    Tiffany517 Posts: 117 Member
    I do the same thing snack at work all day long and what i do is i log as i am eating them or right before and then i see my allowed calories are going down and it's like well maybe i should drink a cup of water before i pen that bag of cookies... i think it's all about tricking the mind!!!! but i think yo have a great idea, maybe do the bags and start off by taking them all for the week but then just start taking only what you want to eat that day and leave money at home... i do this too, just pack what i am going to eat for the day and then no change no vending machine!!!!
  • tmtolbert
    tmtolbert Posts: 59 Member
    sounds like you know what works best for you! i too work at a desk job and have gained 30 lbs since i started here (3 years ago). the vending machine used to be a downfall for me too and i finally just had to stop carrying cash so even if i wanted to get something, i couldn't! really getting healthy and losing weight is all about trial and error and finding out what works best for you.

    some of my favorite snacks to bring to work are fresh fruit (especially grapes), granola bars, pudding cups, string cheese, yogurt, wheat crackers, yogurt covered raisins, apple sauce, pretzels, etc.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I pack individual portions for snacks, but I do not bring them all, I would go back for a second serving if I wanted it. If I only have that one serving of whatever it is, then that's all I get. We don't have a vending machine here so that problem doesn't come up for me. I do have a coworker that loves to bake though, so i have to watch out for those things!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I don't buy individual portioned snacks/yogurt/etc..., but I did buy a bunch of ziploc containers - so when I get yogurt or whatever, I pre-portion what I'm going to take for lunches. I also fill up my water cup as soon as I get to work, (32 oz) and I make a conscious effort to refill it everytime I see it get about half empty. If I want something other than water, I make myself some iced tea or bring a diet drink.

    I also make sure not to bring any change/cash with me to work to avoid the vending machine temptation. :)
  • Behipped
    jjdevore-- I usually don't keep change with me for that very reason, but sometimes I slip through the cracks. Most of the time, if I was just better prepared (such as pre portioning) I would not be all that tempted to go to the vending machine.

    I am actually gluten intolerant (with skin reactions) so snack-type food can sometimes be hard for me. I can have some gluten, but I try to limit my intake or save it for something really yummy. My staples are greek yogurt, mini babybel light, applesauce when I have a sugar craving, baby carrots/hummus and cottage cheese.

    But sometimes a girl just needs some chocolate. How are the skinny cow candy things?
  • masterfitness4u
    I also have a desk job and yes, prepack your snacks in a zip lock bag the night before. Friend me and you can view my diary. Almonds are the best snack to help the hungryness. Raw almonds are the best and 1.5 servings will help. Also hard boiled eggs, apples or banana is good. l have 1430 cal a day plus more with exercise and even on a rest day which is Thursday, is doable. Hope this helps, and just my view my diary for some examples.

  • GinNouveau
    GinNouveau Posts: 143 Member
    I buy healthy snacks just for work, most are high fiber (oatmeal, high fiber granola bars, mini triscuits, etc.). The fiber keeps me full longer. I also try and eat every couple hours to keep my hunger balanced. And I learned the hard way to never take a whole container to your desk, only a serving so you know when to stop.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    Sounds interesting.........I think there was someone else here who put snacks in little bags like that, but can't remember who it was.

    I have a desk job, too, and tend to snack a bit......and there are ALWAYS temptations around here. Right now, there's a big candy jar filled with little Halloween-size candy bars. I have avoided them so far today, but just KNOWING they're there makes me nuts.

    Some of my favorite snacky items:

    100 calorie yogurt
    Any of the 100 calorie snack items - faves are the chocolate-covered pretzels (Mister Salty) and the little brownies - for those chocolate fixes!
    Chex Mix Italian Herb and Parmesan - 110 calories in 1/2 cup
    Apples and other fruit, cut up, in a bowl (so it appears you have a BIG bowl of something good to eat!)
    Veggie Straws (my new favorite sensation!) You can have a LOT of them for a little calories, and they satifsy that crunch/salty urge without being too horrible for you. 130 calories in 38 straws (7 g fat..........) much less than chips or other crunchies.

    I'm sure others will have good suggestions, too.

    Much luck to you!
  • carymi30
    I will be watching these repsonses as I have been at a desk job for most my adult life. I always want candy despite what I bring to eat that day. Now this is just my opinion but if I had tues wed snacks at the office with me I would probably eat them once I got upset or frustrated about something. I think (just my opinion) if you make them up leave them at home and bring them each day.
    Right now Im using gum to help with the sweet cravings. I dont know if it will work but Im trying it today to get me thru to my 3pm snack. Bringing your own food is definatly a good choice! Good luck to you!
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I also have a desk job and this is what has worked for me. I make everything the night before and use my food scale to portion it out. I also have set eating times. I have my breakfast before work or sometimes at work depending on time (7-8 am). Lately I have been having almonds, dates, and little bit of brown sugar mixed with a chopped up apple. Other things like a high fiber english muffin with an egg work well but remeber to watch how much cream cheese or butter and jam you use. The point is you want a breakfast that will keep you full for a few hours. Next I have a snack at 9 or 10. A yogurt works well or a granola bar, these are things you can keep at work. Next comes lunch from 12-1, I ate at my desk and would make a varity of things, all of it measured and packaged up. If I was going to have a sandwich I would keep all the parts seperate and assemble at work so nothing got soggy. I also have some staples in the work fridge like almond milk and soup so I have options when I want to snack or am no longer feeling my lunch. Once you get in the habit of eating every few hours, the snacking will go away. It gave me comfort to know I had a planned meal or snack waiting for me in just 30 minutes. By prelogging you can also see how good your day will be if you stick to the plan, it will give you insentive to skip the vending machine. if you really like stuff from the machine, make comprimises and buy healther options to keep in your desk. The hardest part was my snack between 2 and 3. That is when I had the munchies and never wanted the carrots I had planned. This is where it is important to keep that bag of healthy crackers or bars in your desk so you don't stop by a fst food place the second you get off.

    I hope this all helped! To answer your questions more directly, have a plan and package out everything so you can't over eat. Also set up eating times every couple hours so you know when your next meal will be and log stuff before you eat it so you can see the effect it will have on your day.
  • carymi30
    Skinny Cow chocolates are awesome but just keep my cravings for chocolate going so I try not to eat them
  • Behipped
    I have a really odd schedule in terms of when I'm home and when I'm not (as in, not always sure which nights/mornings will be spent at my house or my boyfriend's) so for me, I really think I need to do the entire week's meals at once.

    I think just seeing that my day's snacks are running out will help me, and I will know how many calories I am eating and that I can't go over. I am going to try adding almonds, rice cakes, hard boiled eggs and granola bars into the mix.

    Very helpful suggestions, thanks!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I think that's a great plan. I bring specific pre-measured portions of snacks in ziplocks to work, and some days I even log everything in my lunch bag ahead of time, then I know where I'll be, and it makes me less likely to go off the rails.