need to vent ( nothing to do with fitness/health )



  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Well I hate to be the bad guy, YES it was very rude of them, all those actions lacked basic manners and didn't show much appreciation, but you let them do it. 3 months, after the 1st month we would have had a serious talk about what they were doing wrong. You're probably mad, but it doesn't help a bit since they didn't know about it. Just move on, and clean up because you let them do it for three months. Good luck, and they're family so hopefully the relationship stays good, that was nice of you though, $100 was such a bargain.
  • Just put their stuff up on Craigslist in the Free Section. DO IT.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Nope, you are not to be ok with that. Regardless of whether they paid you any amount or not. Granted you were helping them out, but this seems to be a respect issue, not a "I can't afford to do anything about it" issue

    Anything that was left that is of any value, sell on Craigslist etc (if you are not interested in it yourself)
    Anything that is junk, take to the dump, write their name on the ticket (invoice) if there is one
    As far as cleaning your house back to normal, you may have to do that...
    And if you feel so inclined to write them a note, stating that you are very happy that they are back on their feet and you hope that they are doing well, you were happy to help them in their time of need, however it was unfortunate that they "used" your home and left a bad taste of disrespect in your mouth, you have taken care of the items that were abandoned, wish them well and move on. They won't change. They haven't grown up yet obviously.
    I would do this ^^^^^
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    Your anger is totally valid! It seems they really took advantage.

    True, they paid you $100 a month but that probably didn't off set the extra costs of them just being there.

    I would tell them flat out to come get their stuff or pay the cost of getting it removed. Put your foot down and make it clear this was a one time thing.
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    The real thing to consider is this: you will be related to them forever. You don't want to have family strife forever over something that ultimately is completely insignificant.

    Yea, it was rude. Get over it. They are moved out, problem solved. Water under the bridge.
  • The real thing to consider is this: you will be related to them forever. You don't want to have family strife forever over something that ultimately is completely insignificant.

    Yea, it was rude. Get over it. They are moved out, problem solved. Water under the bridge.

    ^^ THIS

    And the next time you're at their place, take a huge *kitten* to clog up their toilet. Then, walk out and let them know it's clogged but you have to go! Let them clean up the mess. That way, you just traded annoyance for annoyance.
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,173 Member
    The real thing to consider is this: you will be related to them forever. You don't want to have family strife forever over something that ultimately is completely insignificant.

    Yea, it was rude. Get over it. They are moved out, problem solved. Water under the bridge.

    ^^ THIS

    And the next time you're at their place, take a huge *kitten* to clog up their toilet. Then, walk out and let them know it's clogged but you have to go! Let them clean up the mess. That way, you just traded annoyance for annoyance.

    Ah...I love passive-aggressive revenge! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    The real thing to consider is this: you will be related to them forever. You don't want to have family strife forever over something that ultimately is completely insignificant.

    Yea, it was rude. Get over it. They are moved out, problem solved. Water under the bridge.

    ^^^This. And I'd put all their things in a box and ask them if they want to come get it or if they want you to throw it away. It was cool of you to let them rent a room from you for a while, and it sucked of them to take advantage. Glad they're out!
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    The real thing to consider is this: you will be related to them forever. You don't want to have family strife forever over something that ultimately is completely insignificant.

    Yea, it was rude. Get over it. They are moved out, problem solved. Water under the bridge.

    ^^ THIS

    And the next time you're at their place, take a huge *kitten* to clog up their toilet. Then, walk out and let them know it's clogged but you have to go! Let them clean up the mess. That way, you just traded annoyance for annoyance.

    Better yet, leave em an upper decker. ;)
  • manda1028
    manda1028 Posts: 148
    WOW. id turn into satan and kick their *kitten*. that is very rude. :(
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    You are definitely not wrong in your feelings. I was in the same boat. My aunt, her boyfriend and their daughter moved in with us for 9 months. They were only supposed to stay for 2 months. While they were here, they trashed our camping trailer (nothing left but the steel frame now), refused to clean up after themselves, helped themselves to our food and didn't replace it, and let their dogs destroy our yard. They were supposed to pay 650 dollars in rent but only paid 150 a month. They also had the audacity tell us everything we cooked was disgusting. We lost our new van and had our power got turned off repeatedly. Remember that Karma is a *****.They will get what they deserve for mistreating you that way.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Emotions about the situation aside....

    What could they do to make it up to you? Or what could possibly make you feel better about having to interact with them again in the future?

    I'm very direct with people most of the time. I would straight-up tell one or both of them that I felt really disrespected when they left their things behind and by some of the things they did when they stayed there. I'd tell them I love them and don't want animosity, but they needed to know how I felt. From there they could apologize - and I'd squash it. Or they might not apologize, but at least they'd know why I'm going to take the actions I will take in the future with them.