100 Pounds Down Now

Well I'm happy to report that since February 7th of this year, I've manged to lose 100 pounds. I still have about 60 more to lose but I know, without a doubt, that I will reach my end goal. I have successfully trained for and completed 2 5K's, a 10K, a 4-miler and a duathlon in the process. I will run my first half marathon on Oct. 23rd and after that I will begin training for my 1st full marathon in February. After that I plan to transition (get it) into triathlons and to achieve my ultimate dream which is to be an Ironman, which I plan to make a reality in August 2012 at Ironman Kentucky in Louisville.


  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    What an accomplishment! Great job and you look great!
  • MarkTheBeastR
    MarkTheBeastR Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks man. I feel great. Hard to believe that I ever let myself get into that shape in the first place but it just goes to show that it's never too late to make the changes in life that can change your life. I'm proof that anybody can do it. It just takes some dedication, determination and hard work. It's not easy but the rewards far outweigh the costs to get here.
  • lae1227
    lae1227 Posts: 30
    Amazing! Keep up the awesome work.
  • MarkTheBeastR
    MarkTheBeastR Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you lae!
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    Congratulations. At the rate you're going, you'll definitely achieve your goal! Keep up the good work.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Yowsah! Nice work, man. Rock on. :)
  • nanalulu9
    nanalulu9 Posts: 3 Member
    you have inspired me today. now i know i can do it
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Love all your goals!!!
  • tinatime29
    that is awesome
  • MarkTheBeastR
    MarkTheBeastR Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks you guys! It's been an amazing journey so far. Nanalulu I know you can do it. Trust me! If I can do it ANYBODY can do it. It doesn't take pills, or shakes, or crazy diet plans, or surgeries, or anything else. Just focus on making small changes at first. Small changes to your diet. I switched from regular Coke to Coke Zero. Then after a month I quit soda. Then I switched from salted and roasted almonds to plain almonds. It takes time to get used to changes, even the small ones, but if you make too many all at once you'll set yourself up to slip up. Then I just kept making healthier and healthier choices. Then I started walking. Wow was I SLOW!!! I could only walk about a mile and it took me about 18:30 minutes to do that. But I kept going. Just adding a little bit of mileage and going a little bit faster each time. Saturday I went out and ran 12 miles. YES! I RAN 12 MILES!! I promise you that if you stay focused on the small changes you can and will achieve anything and everything you want to achieve. And as you conquer these small challenges your self-confidence will continue to increase and then you go from "wishing" you could do something, or "hoping" that things will change, to KNOWING that you can do these things and KNOWING that things are changing. You CAN do it!
  • evalynnambra
    evalynnambra Posts: 5 Member
    good job what a great inspiration you are!
  • sunshine1231
    I am so impressed. You are a challenge to all of us:smile:
  • nettg40
    nettg40 Posts: 49 Member
    Congrats and very inspirational!!
  • MarkTheBeastR
    MarkTheBeastR Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you @Atomdraco, @Tinatime, and @Evalynnambra. The first part of my journey has been pretty much about me. I wanted to get healthy for myself, for my wife and for my kids. I want to be around for a long time so I can grow old with my wife and play with my grandkids and great-grandkids someday in the future. But now my journey is really focusing on others. I want to inspire and encourage others who may feel that same sense of hopelessness that I used to feel. I remember days when I didn't want to get out of bed. Days where I thought that my life would never change and that I would be unhealthy for the rest of what would probably be a very short life. But life doesn't have to be like that. At all! Life can be full of joy and fun and excitement. Life can be about being the best that you can be. I'm walking proof that change can happen and that life can be SO much better.
  • MarkTheBeastR
    MarkTheBeastR Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you @netty and @sunshine!
  • grannygethealthy1111
    You better watch out ... a handsome man is emerging! Congratulations on a job well done. Good luck on meeting your future goals. I know you CAN do it!
  • MarkTheBeastR
    MarkTheBeastR Posts: 79 Member
    Ha! Thanks @Granny! I'm trying to bring sexy back but I'm not sure that's possible at 43. :happy:
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Congratulations, you look great. Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration.
  • MarkTheBeastR
    MarkTheBeastR Posts: 79 Member
    Thanks @dls!
  • Tuffjourney
    WOW congrats to you. This is such an amazing accomplishment. You should be so proud!!!!:drinker:
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