willpower is finite, 25lbs to go!

Hello everyone,
I've been doing MFP for about 5 months now and it's been going great. I need 25 more pounds to go so I can reach my 150lb goal weight. So I do great every day of the week, stay within my calories, exercise, drink water etc.. but when the weekend rolls by, forget it lol. I know being home all day and then going out with friendsmakes it harder to resist temptation and I do, but come Sunday night I just lose control and ravage through my fridge. Is this because my body needs the food or just some sort of psychological need to satiate that craving for junk food. I never eat the calories I burn, but as I am allowed less and less calories I think maybe its time i do. I was wondering what everyone else went through at the 25lb mark and how they managed. thanks much! :)
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