No dice!

christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
edited October 3 in Health and Weight Loss
It's been three weeks since I started this. According to the Wii Fit I was down 6 lbs last week. And last week I worked harder than ever. I did 30 minutes all 7 days and on 4 of them I added an additional 30 minutes of exercise. I was below calorie on 4 days. I was over for 3 but not too far over, much better than I was earing prior to starting this. So today I weighed in and according to Wii Fit I am up 1.8 lbs. Bought a real scale this weekend and weighed myself on that to double check and that had me at my starting weight meaning I lost nothing at all in these three weeks of hunger and hard work. I changed the way I eat drastically these last few weeks, I changed my whole life. A couple hours later the scale has me as weighing 2 lbs less but I still feel discouraged.

It sucks. But I still FEEL better than I did 3 weeks ago. I was always sick to my stomach and I had chest pains and aches in all my muscles all the time. Now I feel better and I have more energy. I know I am healthier and that is why I am doing this. So maybe I just won't weigh myself at all and just keep going on as I am. Hopefully when I go to the doctor my bloodwork will show a change. If not, then I will be very worried.


  • kaij1
    kaij1 Posts: 8 Member
    Do you have your wii fit situated on a hard surface? I'm just curious because I have carpet in my living room and that's where my TV is. My wii fit weight is not at all accurate. Not at all. It had me gaining 8 pounds in 1 day because I changed it to a different spot on the carpet. Then the program gave me a little pep talk and suggestions as to how to determine WHY I might have gained 8 pounds in 1 day. ha ha!

    You said it yourself. This last few weeks..even if you haven't lost a pound...have made you healthier and you feel better. I totally understand the need for that positive feedback, but try concentrating just on the "feeling better" part for now and in another week, hop on your regular scale again ..on a hard surface.. and see if you get the positive feedback you're looking for. I believe you will!! Congrats on doing so well the last few weeks. It's truly an accomplishment.
  • Hey...

    Dont let the scales get you down...I know it is dis-heartening but your body is going through a massive change so you might be like me & not loose anything for weeks but then loose 2-3lbs another week...keep at it x
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    You are going to hear a lot of `water weight` from your first weight loss.

    If you are eating healthy and working out then you should be just fine. Make sure you keep your diary.

    don`t guess at food weights. buy a little food scale they can be bought very cheaply.

    Make sure you log everything food and exercise.

    I notice you say 3 weeks of hunger and hardwork...if you are hungry then change how often you eat meals...split them up to maybe 5 to 8 small meals a day so you don`t feel hungry.

    Drink a cup of water half an hour before you eat cos you may not be as hungry as you think

    Good luck hun x
  • weight is a pretty untrustworthy measurement, it can be effected by all sorts of things. feeling better is what's important but if you want a way to track your progress taking your waist measurement will show what you've actually lost or gained!
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    DO NOT compare the weight reading the Wii Fit gave you versus that of the scale you just bought. For that matter, I would never suggest using two different scales and expecting the same results. The fact is all scales have some level of error. If you're watching for progress, especially in the small increments we talk about here (i.e. a pound or two or three at a time) you need to do it on the same scale and just look for relative changes. Don't get too discouraged and just keep at it. Your weight can fluctuate by as much as 2-3 pounds per day so stay the course and limit your weigh-ins if possible to once a week or once every couple weeks.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    DO NOT compare the weight reading the Wii Fit gave you versus that of the scale you just bought. For that matter, I would never suggest using two different scales and expecting the same results. The fact is all scales have some level of error. If you're watching for progress, especially in the small increments we talk about here (i.e. a pound or two or three at a time) you need to do it on the same scale and just look for relative changes. Don't get too discouraged and just keep at it. Your weight can fluctuate by as much as 2-3 pounds per day so stay the course and limit your weigh-ins if possible to once a week or once every couple weeks.
    This is very good advice that I was planning to write, also. Scales can be different. It's better to use the same scale all of the time and I'd trust the one you just bought over the Wii Fit any day.

    Also, the number on the scale is not nearly as important as how you look and feel. I know we get caught up in the number but it's really just that. No one else but you knows that number unless you tell them. Much more important will be... can you do things you couldn't before: climb that flight of stairs without being out of breath, running around the block, fitting into a pair of jeans which were too tight? These are much better indicators of your overall health and fitness, as well as your weight loss.

    If you haven't started measuring yourself, do it now so you have an early baseline. Measure your hips, waist, belly, thighs, etc. every couple of weeks. Often when the scale doesn't move, you're losing inches. I'm more excited about losing a couple of inches in my waist, hips and thighs than I am about the 15 pounds. My clothes fit again, I'm getting a couple of compliments about how I look and more importantly, for the first time in my life, I am running.
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