The gluten free dairy free girl says hello...

Hey everyone!

I'm here trying to lose some weight, get healthy, and avoid my genetic future of adult diabetes by managing what I eat. I'm already gluten & dairy free, as I've discovered I have an intolerance... I would love to gain some friends here and do things like recipe swaps and mutual support.

I'm already used to cooking and eating gluten/dairy free, but I love new ideas for recipes and my main problem area where I over-indulge is snacking, especially at night.

Hope to meet some great people to walk this healthy weight loss journey with!



  • vtpics
    vtpics Posts: 8 Member
    I recently found I have food intolerances, to Caisen (dairy) soy and seems I get a headache when I use some grains, especially wheat. It is certainly a thorough way of eliminating the bad stuff, I really miss cheese and bread, but enjoy a gluten free english muffin and gluten free pancake once in a while. I substitute milk products with cocoanut which I love and found a lovely almond yogurt, a little harder to find in my neck of the woods. Nice to meet another GF DF person here:happy: