Dear contacts wearers/nerds

Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
I just started wearing contacts (as in, am currently wearing a trial pair)

I'd LOVE to get some help in finding the cheapest possible way to keep wearing them.

aaannnd I have finding cheap lenses is probably going to suck.

Anyone know of any amazing discount websites? There's gotta be some nerds here that can help me out. Or just some really nice people.

PLEASE? If you know anyone who wears em and might know & doesn't use this site ask them too! I've looked at a handful of sites and I'm looking at $200/year to keep myself in contacts. Is that somehow average? :sad: :sad:


  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I wear Acuve 2... you are supposed to change them every two weeks... I push them to 4 and the $100 lasts me the whole year.
  • ket_the_jet
    ket_the_jet Posts: 1,257 Member
    Keep in mind how bad it is for your eyes to wear contacts beyond the recommended amount of time. I'll trade an extra hundred dollars or two for almost nixing any risk of permanent eye damage.
  • voluptas63
    voluptas63 Posts: 602 Member
    I spend way more on contacts for the year. Gotta include the contacts, solutions, drops, eye exams if you need any... and then glasses.

    My contacts probably cost me around $300-$500 a year. Thanks Obama for taking away my ability to pay for my solution with my pre-tax HSA!
  • rachaelliversidge
    rachaelliversidge Posts: 16 Member
    Try I get their own brand daily disposables for 10 uk pounds a month. Can't recommend them enough, so cheap compared to other places.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Ok yea I didnt add in the solution and whatnot. Im also the kind of jerk that avoids yearly check ups and such unless something happens where I think I need my eyes checked (this time it was migraines).

    I def will never wear contacts for longer than I should or break any wearing rules because I am SUPER paranoid about risking hurting my eyes somehow.

    I'm starting to think my only solution is to only wear contacts if I'm going out somewhere or something.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Try I get their own brand daily disposables for 10 uk pounds a month. Can't recommend them enough, so cheap compared to other places.
    thanks! ill look into em

    *edit* they dont have toric lenses, so I cant use em
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    I really don't skimp on contacts. My personal vanity won't let me wear glasses all the time (even though I should, with only one functional eye...:grumble: ) but since I won't give up the contact lenses I wear them according to directions and take care of them. Eyes are a bit hard to replace if something happens.

    It's an investment, that's for sure. OTOH, since I only *have* one functional eye, I only use one contact. Still expensive, but not as much. :laugh:
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Ill admit a lot of why I want to wear contacts more often than not is vanity. My bf LOVES my eyes, and hates them hiding behind glasses.

    I mostly hate that wearing glasses leaves marks on my nose and I am far too playful and get them bent/scratched a LOT.
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I used to wear contact lenses but switched back to my glasses. I love, love, LOVE my transitional lenses (did I mention I love them?)

    I had an eye injury and an eye infection about a year apart, so I was wearing the disposable lenses for a bit....BUT since I work in an office and am constantly staring at a computer screen, my eyes would feel so dang dry by the end of the day - my lenses felt like little pieces of plastic. Ugh!

    So I started wearing my contacts only a few days a week, and tried to gradually wear them a little bit longer each time. It just didn't work out well for me. :(

    Keep your eyes peeled for coupons for the solution (sunday paper, baby!) and I would check the official websites of whatever brand you are currently using - sometimes they have promotional things where they'll send you a sample, or a coupon for so much off/box.

    Have you thought about saving up to get the lasik surgery? Or is that an option for you?
  • redhotredneck
    redhotredneck Posts: 118 Member
    I have the same issue - astigmatism in both eyes! and can't afford to buy lots of contacts. I spoke with my eye doc and he helped me with getting the right solution/cleaning system to help extend the life of the contacts. I use the ones that you can wear for 30 days, and with his help (and advice) make them last a lot longer than that. I go see the doc every year, and no issues have come up. Its always best to work with your doc on this issue.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I used to wear contact lenses but switched back to my glasses. I love, love, LOVE my transitional lenses (did I mention I love them?)

    I had an eye injury and an eye infection about a year apart, so I was wearing the disposable lenses for a bit....BUT since I work in an office and am constantly staring at a computer screen, my eyes would feel so dang dry by the end of the day - my lenses felt like little pieces of plastic. Ugh!

    So I started wearing my contacts only a few days a week, and tried to gradually wear them a little bit longer each time. It just didn't work out well for me. :(

    Keep your eyes peeled for coupons for the solution (sunday paper, baby!) and I would check the official websites of whatever brand you are currently using - sometimes they have promotional things where they'll send you a sample, or a coupon for so much off/box.

    Have you thought about saving up to get the lasik surgery? Or is that an option for you?
    I'm honestly scared to death of surgery on my eyes. I just couldnt do it.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I have the same issue - astigmatism in both eyes! and can't afford to buy lots of contacts. I spoke with my eye doc and he helped me with getting the right solution/cleaning system to help extend the life of the contacts. I use the ones that you can wear for 30 days, and with his help (and advice) make them last a lot longer than that. I go see the doc every year, and no issues have come up. Its always best to work with your doc on this issue.
    Thanks! When I need to go back after the trial pair is up (if I need to go back) Ill talk to em about getting the right solution and such.
    Having astigmatism changes everything, I know people that wear contacts for super cheap and dont have it and as soon as I mentioned to them that I did I got SUCH a look of pity. <---- I've bought my contacts through here for years. I still shop around sometimes to see other place's prices, and even with my eye insurance discount elsewhere, this is STILL the cheapest!
    I loooove you!
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    My advice would be to go to your followup and ask for a cheaper pair to try. Typically you are given a more expensive name brand unless you specify otherwise. If you're finalized in a brand you can still go back for free and get prescribed something cheaper. Most are two week trials, but it's very easy to get them to stretch a month if you soak them overnight. So a 6 month supply would get you through a year. I've only ordered through and have been happy with their prices.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I wear Acuve 2... you are supposed to change them every two weeks... I push them to 4 and the $100 lasts me the whole year.

    I wear the 2 week ones and make them last a month. Sometimes more because I forget to toss them, when my eyes start to bother me I remember that I need to change them.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Everyone I've talked to says they wear their contacts for at least double the time theyre supposed to and have never had a problem. I feel like I shouldn't be so damn paranoid about wearing em too long lol
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I used to wear contact lenses but switched back to my glasses. I love, love, LOVE my transitional lenses (did I mention I love them?)

    I had an eye injury and an eye infection about a year apart, so I was wearing the disposable lenses for a bit....BUT since I work in an office and am constantly staring at a computer screen, my eyes would feel so dang dry by the end of the day - my lenses felt like little pieces of plastic. Ugh!

    So I started wearing my contacts only a few days a week, and tried to gradually wear them a little bit longer each time. It just didn't work out well for me. :(

    Keep your eyes peeled for coupons for the solution (sunday paper, baby!) and I would check the official websites of whatever brand you are currently using - sometimes they have promotional things where they'll send you a sample, or a coupon for so much off/box.

    Have you thought about saving up to get the lasik surgery? Or is that an option for you?
    I'm honestly scared to death of surgery on my eyes. I just couldnt do it.

    I hear that!!!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Everyone I've talked to says they wear their contacts for at least double the time theyre supposed to and have never had a problem. I feel like I shouldn't be so damn paranoid about wearing em too long lol

    I used to wear mine double the time, but I'd soak them in this enzyme solution my eye dr recommended. Talk to your eye dr and maybe you'll luck out and they'll give you free product samples! Sometimes those free product samples have coupons on them (yes, i'm obsessed with coupons).

    I had the same problem that someone mentioned about forgetting to change them out, but I would know if I've been using them too long because they would feel yucky.
  • Mine cost $350 for the year for the contacts and my eye doctor gave me a discount. I don't usually go by the date but toss them when my eyes start to feel uncomfortable and I haven't worn them for 16 hour yet in the day. I use a disinfectant system that seems to work best with my eyes. It gets expensive but with it you use Saline solution which is pretty inexpensive. I hate wearing my glasses out an about but will put them on when I get home. My biggest advice is to not fall asleep in them. You can try and look online but the higher the astigmatism prescription is the harder it is to find them. Try talking to your eye doctor a lot of them want to work with you to keep your business.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    Good to know! My med doc is all about giving out samples, maybe Ill get lucky with the eye doc too lol

    Ill hafta def look into that kind of solution, too.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I get mine from VisionDirect. I also have astigmatism. I spend around $120 for half a year (or sometimes a year lol) I often wear mine for a month and a half to two months instead of one. I've had contacts for 5 years now and never had any eye problems before. Plus I get emails offering 20% off and such things like that so if you keep an eye out for those then it will help to save some money. Plus with VisionDirect the first time you order you get free shipping and 25% off. :D