New to MyFitnessPal looking for workout buddies

My name is Tracy and I am 31 years old (turning 32 in January). I am looking to lose around 50 pounds. I am hoping this program and App on my phone can help me. I work a desk job and I try to eat healthy most of the time, but it doesn't always work. I am counting points plus as well and hoping for some good results. My boyfriend is a United States Marine and will be deploying for Afghanistan for 7 months in a few weeks. I would love to shed a good deal of weight while he is gone. I want to do this for me so that I will feel better about myself. He is fine with me the way I am, but I am not fine with me. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia so working out is definitely a struggle, but we try to walk at least 30 minutes every night. I may have to adjust that a bit when he leaves and with it getting darker earlier. I live in Long Beach, CA so if anyone is in that area please message me and maybe we can walk together! I would love new friends and tips and I am excited to be here!:smile:


  • I am also looking for people to add on here, any tips from people who have succeeded.....and how you get and stay motivated. Please respond to me! :)
  • irisherin82
    irisherin82 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi there! I live in Aliso Viejo, maybe not close enough to meet for walks, but we can definitely be each others motivation and support. I've been on MFP for almost 2 months now, off and on and struggling but was recently proposed to. I have a wedding dress that I bought two years ago that I need to lose weight in order to fit into it. It takes time to adjust and find whats right for you.... and not giving up is the key. We'll all have difficult days here and there and days were we don't eat the best or exercise as much as we'd like, but we must not let it get us down and realize that tomorrow is a new day! I prepared lunches last night for this week, and I'm determined to exercise at least 4 days of this week (this morning being my morning off). I work 7 days a week between a full time and a part time job... so when I have extra time its hard to get myself to exercise, but once I do I feel amazing afterwards!

    Anyways, please add me as a friend. I'd love to help motivate you and have you to motivate me! And who knows... since we aren't far from each other, maybe we could meet up :)