Brisbane, Australia

Is there anyone out there from Brisbane or thereabouts. I know one other member from close by but most of my friends are overseas. I love that I have so many friends overseas because they seem to know so many different workout and have ideas that I have never heard of (thanks everyone) and they are all too willing to help out and explain. I haev a blog about my fitness, health and alcohol free challenge that I am undergoing, and have met new friends that way as well, but it would be nice to know of other people close by.


  • ElisaRazz
    ElisaRazz Posts: 84 Member
    Hi, im currently living in Canberra (From Adelaide)
    I'll send you an add
  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Livebelieving,
    I'm in Brisbane (St Lucia). I'm sure there's another thread on here somewhere where a few other Brisbane-ites came out and said hello... only a few weeks back?

    Good luck meeting your MFP goals!

  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Brisbane south-side here. Friend request sent.
  • LooseWheel
    LooseWheel Posts: 211 Member
    Brissy southside. Happy to chat and encourage fitness and have a laugh while doing it. Ever feel like a round of tennis let me know. No professional here, just looking to get outdoors rather than the home fitness equipment and dont pay for gym membership. Glad to have someone close to home and see normal weather and time references. Just got a few 'good mornings' and it's 10z15pm at night here! Guess that's the overseas'ers lol cheers
  • Hi! I'm a Brissy Girl just starting my fitness journey again. Would love to share stories and hel eachother out if you are still looking for help!
  • Roblyssa
    Roblyssa Posts: 125
    Brisbane Southside here. I have 20 more kilos to lose, so feel free to add me if you want!
