Need a bit of HELP. SMOKER. Need to Quit!!!!!!!!!



  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I took Champix the first time. I have now been on it again for over three weeks and the Doctor says it just won't have the same affect as last time. I honestly don't think it did much but make me have so much crazy, heart beating out of my chest, energy that I was too busy to notice. LOL
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Yeah, I used that last time. But because I have been on it for so long, it just won't have the same affect this time. This time will have to be all me.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    It only takes 3 days to get the Nicotine out of your body. From there, it's all about the "Habit" of smoking. Find other things to occupy your time and hands. I smoke since the age of 9 until December this year...quit cold turkey. Breaking the Routine Habit is the hardest part. If you WANT it, CHOOSE it, ACT it. You will conquer.

    Do know...healing your lunngs takes time. But it will happen.

    My doctor told me it takes about a month for nicotine to be out of my body. And I totally felt that the first time stopping. When I would see people smoking I had no craving to do so, but my body reacted very differently.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I can only tell you to have a plan. I smoked for over 26 years, 1 pack per day. I have been smoke-free for 6 years now. It is the hardest thing I ever did-but the best thing. It is a choice I must make daily. I choose NOT to smoke. I have met so many people who quit in many different ways. There is no right or wrong way. Some people I know used chantix but had side effects. I did the laser. Others quit cold turkey. Find whats right for you. I do know that the need to want to quit must be greater than the need to smoke. That being said, I wish you luck. Please feel free to send me a message, please post and let us know how you are doing!!! If you need a kick in the "butt" I am sure there are plenty of us who can help!!! So....When is your quit date???

    Tomorrow. Yikes. :)
  • mstormth
    mstormth Posts: 119 Member

    I have been smoke free now for 1 year and 9 weeks.... probably one of the most difficult tasks I have ever undertaken but the most rewarding at the same time.

    I spoke to my doctor when we were going to start our non-smoking journey, and he recommended the gum over the patch. With the gum you take a piece when you want it/ craving.. but the patch puts nicotine in your system continuously.

    I also used an app on my IPHONE (Since I quit)... great motivator. It kept track of the money saved, amount of smokes i have not had and counts the minutes, weeks, years and seconds since I had a smoke....

    I am currently:
    1 year
    9 weeks
    2 days
    18 hours
    27 minutes and
    2 seconds

    I smoked a cheaper brand approx $8 pack and had about 20 a day.

    By not smoking
    8615.21 cigarettes.....

    I have saved

    That along with the support of my family and friends were for the extra encouragement were my will power....... :smile:

    You have to put your mind to it, think "I AM A NON-SMOKER" switch your mentality and convince yourself to view yourself as a non-smoker....
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    A few years ago I quit smoking and was sucessful for a long time because I was ready. It makes me laugh thinking about when I quit because it was during the summer and I was on my lunch break and I just smoked my last one. I was on my way back to work and I just drove past the gas station because it was hot outside and I was too lazy to go in and buy a pack... and that was that for about a year or so. I ended up starting again, pretty small at first but then as time went on I was smoking more (I was never a super heavy smoker, the heaviest was about half a pack a day, at this point I was smoking about two packs a week). I ended up quitting again about 2 months ago, and it's true that the hardest part is the habit. Getting into my car to drive to work or to drive home was the worst. But as time went it's gotten easier. I did have one smoke about 3 weeks ago, but that was it (I was super stressed at work and I was about to lose it, so I bummed one off my friend, that way I only smoked one. If I bought a pack I would end up smoking all of them and probably buy another after that...)

    So... for me, it was all about will power. And that's no easy thing. But it's doable. Good luck, I'd like to hear an update later on :flowerforyou: you can do it :happy:
  • riccoismydog
    riccoismydog Posts: 319 Member
    No matter how you do it, you just really have to want to. After reading all these posts thats pretty much the only underlying theme to every post. You can do it! I'm five days smoke free right now. I already feel better. I've been using the gum the patch ( not at the same time) and some hypnotherapy. I've quit a few times. The hypnotherapy is really doing it for me right now. However you do it, you obviously want to, just have to take the first step.

    I also spent some time online reading stories about what it's like to have emphysema from emphysema and copd survivors. One lady had pnemonia a few times in a row. She was going to quit, but she still have four cartons left. She smoked three. Became extremely out of breath, got pnemonia again. After that final illness her doctor diagnosed emphysema. Something to think about.....

    Good luck!
  • wannabesexymama
    wannabesexymama Posts: 367 Member
    I quit cold Turkey on my birthday last year because after a physical my doctor said I had the body and health of a 40 year old I was 25 fixin to be 26,,, I knew I had to quit after watching my dad die of Heart diseases from smoking! I quit and then decided to start exercising I was 2 months in when I found out I was pregnant so I quit working out due to high risk and waited tell I had the baby to start back! I do still have the want to smoke some times but I make my self clean or do something to keep me busy so I dont think about it and if I cant just get up and go I hold a pen in my hand like you would a smoke! Really helps me! I am here if you need someone to talk to to keep from picking one up!! Just Message me!!!