Toe Nail Situation?!? :(

Ok iv had problems with both my big toe nails since been yah high to a grasshopper, but iv always being able to manage it, even if it took lots of picking and cutting and considerable amounts of pain!

However, now iv started running my left one if giving me now end of trouble, I went to the docs, they gave me antibiotics and said hope it grows back out, guess what... Its back and bleeding and hurting more than ever!

I think when I go docs (hopefully tomorrow) they will say to have it off...

I know this is going to effect my running, but I don't know how much? How long willl I be off my feet, if at all? Will I be able to drive to work??? That's pretty important lol how long after having it taken off will I be able to carry on running!? Cos I never want to stop! Anyone with experience with ansers will be greatfully appersiated!! Thank you :(


  • penelofur
    penelofur Posts: 81 Member
    I have had problems with ingrowns- very painful! Once they remove it- you will be fine the next day! It may bleed a lot but it feels really good once they remove the nail.

    Hope this helps!
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 379 Member
    Ouch!!! From my personal experience with my own toe nails and running - I have to have my big toe nail cut short and straight across. If you taper or curve the sides down you will likely get an ingrown toe nail. If your toe nail is too long, it will hit the end of your shoe and cause a lot of pain.

    Have you ever had a normal toe nail? I hope your doctor can help you with the pain. Are you sure your running shoes are long don't want them to be too short - you need a little wiggle room!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    My brother always had problems with ingrown nail on his toe. Once he started running, it really started to bother him and they cut it. If your doctor tries to give you anything else, just insist they cut it. You'll feel a lot better.
  • Finigan84
    My husband has similar trouble with his big toes, he has for years. He had his toe nail removed once again last week on Tuesday. He was at work Wednesday bright and early. He is a chef and is on his feet all day. He said the first two days after they removed it he was sore but, nothing unbearable. He still did everything he always does (he is really not a runner though).
  • AllProduceAreJustNumbers
    This summer I underwent a procedure on my left big toe (b/c of ingrown toenails). They remove the skin from either side of the nail, and let the nail continue to grow out. This does cause alot of pain. BUT in the long run, (4 weeks later) it is completely healed and you will never have a problem again. I had spoken to my MD about getting the nail removed, and he said it was an option, but the way he did it was a permanent solution. I should have been off my foot continually for at least 1 week, but my situation didn't allow that. The pain on the first day was intense, once the freezing wore off - you could feel everything, and the throbbing was terrible. Hope this helps!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    Thanks for all you input people! General censes is that ill be out of action for 2 days to a week then, by the sounds of things?! Iv only been running 3 months and I love it! I just hope I don't loose the bug or addition to running that I have when I am out of it for however long! But I can't carry on with the pain either, and the blood filled socks! Thanks again, at least I know what iv got to prepare for :(