i have a bone to pick with some of you



  • Speedy89
    When my friends don't comment, I know it's bc they are busy. People have families...kids, school projects, husbands, .... jobs.... school. I don't comment on my friends every day... nor do they on mine.

    If you need constant input, perhaps you could make some friends in school or on your job... not everyone has the time to be online. Read the posts..google other blogs, read a clean eating site.... there's plenty out there to be found.

    I don't meant to sound negative. But you're basically bashing people then asking for support?

    At 19 you may not have the responsibilities others have.

    Love the strawberry fields comment... yeah really! :)

    PS I don't know how to get back to threads I've read or posted... not that I post often. So I more than likely won't see your replies.
    I've never heard anyone name call on here. But like in all of real life, I am sure it exists. A wise professor of mine used to say, "Eat the meat, spit out the bones." Kind of ironic on a food website.

    Good luck in your journey and in finding support and motivation.

  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    i did not bash anyone. i ended it on a happy not with a good job for some of you. I wasnt asking for support i just said it would be nice for some of you to do. I understand that you have lives. I have one too. I have school. I have work. I have a house to clean and a child to feed. I still know that its nice to have someone say good job. I m not saying every friend has to comment on everyhting i say. But maybe one response would be nice. If i have four posts. I try to comment four times. Takes less then a minute. I have more then four friends so that means... NOT ALL OF THEM GET A COMMENT FROM ME!
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    People responding with direct criticism which almost comes off as rude? Are you new to the internet? :wink:

    And to end on a happy note: Greek Yogurt!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I will use this site how I see fit,and you continue to use it how you see fit.

    and on a happy note - BLOW UP DOLLS