Hello out there..

Man oh man is it hard to keep it tight when you're closer to your goal..

and you know what the catch is? i actually know I'm closer than i think i am, yet i can't get motivated to strict my self and get my old discipline back..and it's me against myself all over again.

It's the motivation, it's the will, it's the conquering devotion to the better self..now i've decided that i will tell people to stop congratulating me on all the weight i've lost, cause even though i appreciate it, it tricks my subconscious into thinking I'm done and then everytime i try and giveit an effort, there's this sly and cheeky devilish lil sound that goes "heck come one now you've come along way anyway, whats one or 2 or 10 bad meals, you'll get back on track, I mean you've done it before, right?"

and i hate that voice, starting tomorrow, I'm shuting that voice up..and keep the positive outlook i have with me, I'm trying to change myself more and more, and so far I've succeeded in many departments, I've gotten rid of facebook because of how impersonal and displeasing i came to find it, i stopped being negative, I'm interested in the outdoors, in not missing opportunities / creating them as well, and last but not least I'm breaking out of my shell once and for all man, babysteps i know, but heck at least im doing sommen about it.

I ain't gonna quit, I got hurt, I'm in pain from it, i might as well reward from it.

God bless you and goodluck to you all and to me too.

Peace out.



  • Venessa165
    Venessa165 Posts: 12 Member
    I feel you Ahmed. When I tell people I need to lose weight, they look at me like I'm crazy. I am very near my goal (10 pounds to go) and I find it difficult to keep going. I have lost my resolve and I am looking everywhere for it. It bums me out but I gotta keep going. I gotta lose the weight.
  • themeds1
    I know exactly what you mean Venessa,

    and the thing is, I'm ashamed to admit, but now i just keep yo-yoing with my weight, i strict myself very well for like a week, and then my demotivation gets triggered by the simplest things ever..

    but no more, I'm making a vow, it's a vow of strong will and self admiration, and heck I'm sticking to it this time..

    This is it for us you know, this is the moment that defines achievers..and thats who we deserve to be, people who came all this way and then some! It's those last damn 10 pounds that we're about to crush (they're 15 for me but I'll crush em).

    I'll raise my cup of tea to ya friend and wish you the completion that I'm about to achieve.

    All the best.