whatdo you do....

i am attempting lower carb to try to stabilize my hypoglycemia. (i'm really sick of crashes.) can anyone give tips on how i can come closer to my goals while being able to eat with my family and cook for them when they aren't lower carb??

thanks, heidi


  • cookc04
    cookc04 Posts: 71
    Do you need to lower carb or can you go to low GI diet?
  • Amayrial
    Amayrial Posts: 139 Member
    well you can always do clean protein sources with no sauces or make the sauces low carb. Stick to veggies you can have summer squash, zucchini, green beans asparagus etc.. Make meals out of salads and offer higher carb items for them on the side?

    I eat much lower carb then my family, and I do all the cooking. I pick stuff I can eat, beef, chicken, lean pork etc cook it in a way I can have, and then offer sides for them that I don't eat like stuffing or mashed potatoes or pasta and a salad or veggie.

    hope this helps.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    (for my t1 son) I exchange the pasta/rice for salad/yogurt...it really works to keep him from crashing.
    snacks are usu veggies sausage or jerky when his numbers are w/in target and its late in the day.

    fiber & water, naturally
  • yager8725
    yager8725 Posts: 267 Member
    i use Spirulina to stop the crashes!! its a natural blue green algae. No more crashes for me!!!! lots of info on internet. i like the brand Now foods been taking for 2.5 years. my doctor told me about it.