Burger calories?

Ok, I'm a little confused. Larkburger is one of my favorite "cheat" meals...SO good. I'm pretty sure the calories on here aren't correct though. It says a 1/3 pound larkburger is only 260 calories. Does this not include the bun or something? That doesn't really make sense- who would eat it without the bun, and where would I find the nutrition values for the whole thing? It also says that my Kroger ground turkey pattie (85/15) is 230 calories (that's just the meat, without the bun), and a really small kroger bun is 180 calories. There's no way my turkey burger is more calories than the Larkburger! So one of these is not correct...which one?


  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I have no idea, but wanted to throw out there, that I always eat my burgers, protein style, no bun.. including tonight when I had my yummy turkey burgers LOL