Snack Help Please!

kendib Posts: 155 Member
I need ideas for afternoon snacks that will give me enough energy to go to the gym but won't fill me up to much that I won't eat dinner, I have tried nuts or peanut butter, etc. and they usually don't give me the extra I need to power through the gym workouts. I get off work at about 5-5:30 and am at the gym by about 6ish. The only afternoon snack I usually eat is one before the gym to get me through to dinner, which is about 8 o'clock.

Thanks for the help.


  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    What about apple slices with your peanut butter, or some whole grain peanut butter?
    I also like to take the protein 2go packs and throw it in a bottle of water to drink on the way to the gym! Orange Mango is yummy!
  • StacyFrisbie
    StacyFrisbie Posts: 159 Member
    oops, that should have been whole grain CRACKERS with your peanut butter on that second one :-)
  • leeshults
    leeshults Posts: 223 Member
    My afternoon snack is a Skinny Cow candy bar.....I really look forward to them! 120 calories......