
Anyone with before and afters/stats? Started week 2 today and I want some motivation/see what to look forward too! I searched it but I can only find 3 posts and I know there has to be wayyy more people out there!


  • salthawksrule
    Just keep up the hard work.. You are almost there!!
  • twowheelhooligan
    In mid august I was 240. I kicked it in higher gear(for working out) late August, and now am 222. I feel WORLDS better, I don't have that bloated gut feeling and people at work have actually noticed.

    I have NEVER believed in pills and "diets." I know that if fuel goes in the engine, it must be burned. SO, I choose to put good fuel in my engine and burn it in good ways.

    KEEP GOING, you'll get there before you know it. You'll have a bad day here and there as far as diet and/or exercise. Put it in the past, focus new energy on the next day to make that day happen!!

    Keep your chin up, your weight down. :wink:
