Support in my weight loss goals

kp_88 Posts: 53 Member
I am looking to lose 80 pounds. So far I have been exercising for 4 weeks and tracking my calories. I have lost 13 pounds. I have very little support at home. My husband tries to but since he's a skinny man who likes to constantly eat I'm reaching out for support from people who understand the difficulties. Thank you in advance.


  • evelynr14
    evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
    If you'd like you could add me :)
  • You can do it. Just keep exercising and eating well. Remember that, "nothing tastes better than the sweetness of being fit!"
    Keep it up!
  • clares06
    clares06 Posts: 71 Member
    wow!!! well done you fopr loosuing 13lbs, thAT IS FANTASTIC. i am new to the site, and have found it to be such a great help, everyone is really friendly, and the before and after pics are a great motivator. keep up the good work!xx
  • sarscott
    sarscott Posts: 189 Member
    Well, it sounds like you've come to the right place! I, myself, have. Between 130 and 155 total to lose and those big numbers are daunting. This site is full of supportive people with lots of encouragement!
    Welcome to the crew :)
  • Im a fat man who wishes he could eat what he liked :) feel free to add me, support is a big part of success
  • Moneicalynn
    Moneicalynn Posts: 136 Member
    i also am new to the site.. I have 115 pounds to lose...... it has been great everyone is so nice and motivates you :) you can add me if u would like :)
  • Add me if you want -- I'm also fairly new. :-) So far it's been great!