Chest popped, tricep dips - help!

princessjaffacakes Posts: 31
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Morning all!

So I thought I'd try a powerplate class in my gym this morning, explained to the guy I had never been on one before,and my back was slightly aching because of the running I've been doing (tends to flare up a bit after a couple of weeks off, tends to figure itself out so think it just getting used to the pressure/bounce movement again).

ANYWAY - he kept doing all these exercises that were putting strain on my lower back, so I tried my best but then stopped as I wasn't prepared to push myself too far and do myself an injury (my gym are big fans of just pushing you, one chick asked me to do an unsupported headstand in my first yoga class...)

We did some squats, no probs, lunges, step ups. Cool, no problems.

Then to end we did some tricep dips which were going fine, but then I suddenly felt this massive 'pop' in the centre of my chest. I tried to right myself (and keep going as I was getting the evil 'you're being lazy' eye). But I literally couldn't - I was in so much pain I had a little cry in the shower.

Now I've got some ibruprofen and its not too bad to sit upright, but if I bring my arms together in front of me (trying to get a bowl out of the microwave) its really sore and stiff.

Any ideas what I've done? Anyone else done it? I can't get an appt at the drs (who is a gp so would refer me anyway) for a while, and the walk in centres around here cost a fortune.


  • Hi I have done something similar a few years ago, i was also doing dips on a bench when i had a strain on my chest
    it hurt like hell afterwards & i spoke to a doctor, he said i had probably sprung my ribs.

    He explained this as the ribs being pushed in towards my chest & the cartilage that holds the ribs together stretching & causing the pain.

    Hope that helps
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    This might help - it sounds like a possible strain injury and rest should help. But if resting doen't help or you are at all worried. Go see your GP asap.
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    Hi there,

    It sounds to me like you have damage your sternum, it is common to pop your pectoral muscle off your sternum particularly if you go passed paralell on your dips. If it is this you need to rest it. Some years a go I popped my ribcage off my God is was painful! I would still see your Doctor but while you wait don't do any upper body exercise while it heals.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Sorry can't help you with a reason but.......

    NHS walk in centres do not charge...they are there for more urgent than GP but not urgent enough for casualty cases (or out of hours)

    If you don't have one of these local I'd park myself in A&E as early in the afternoon as you possibly can (to avoid the rush hour chaos and the drunks of the evening) ham it up a little, be vague on the circumstances of when it happened but let them know you are having chest pains after exercising yesterday
  • Thanks so much for all your responses.

    It sounds like a strain or some kind of injury - I'm planning on resting up, I might try a gentle swim tomorrow morning but if that doesnt work out too well I'll just sit in the sauna (always makes me feel better!).

    If it keeps getting worse today, I'll try and get to a walk-in or a&e, fingers crossed it eases soon!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I always notice a clear cultural difference between the brits and the americans on this board that amuses me. If you were an american poster, you'd already be at the doctors!

    Seriously, this sounds nasty - get straight down to either your GP surgery (you'll be able to go in as triage or see a nurse practitioner) or get to a walk in. Even if it's only for an assessment and pain relief. Don't mess about with it. You'll mend quicker if you look after yourself now.
  • tinangel
    tinangel Posts: 1
    Requesting an update -

    Did you ever see your doc? How did you heal? How are you moving now?
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