Getting ready for an Around the World adventure!

Hey everyone! I'm about a year away from an around the world journey and I decided now is the time to get fit. I've been saving and planning for over a year and by this time next year I shall be gone indefinitely! Who knows what will be in store for me? I'm actually pretty scared, which I haven't admitted to anyone yet.

I've decided to get a "conservative makeover." I'm putting all my flashy outfits in the closet and trading it in for clothes that will prevent me from standing out. I feel like I need to change my body before I invest, though. I need endurance.

I'm pretty shy, and being shy is no good for a vagabond. I feel like my weight has kept me from reaching my full potential. I am charismatic when I'm comfortable--but I'm not very comfortable anymore. I'll need a complete overhaul of everything.

I'm very excited to start my journey NOW. My attitude, my pessimism, my lack of motivation and self discipline ends here and now. I'm changing my life before my eyes are opened.

I hope to find camaraderie here and some encouragement if i have a bad week. I've lost weight before, but I always became disillusioned or ended up too easy on myself and gained it back. Hopefully that ends now. Thanks for reading!


  • fit4travels
    Hi! I'm also losing weight to go travelling (hence the name) so it would be great to keep each other motivated if you want to add me as a friend :) I'm working in China at the moment and I'm heading to Australia in December. Where are you planning on going?
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Good Luck with the travels.
    I'm losing for my trip to Canada next February, was hoping to go next month but my boss refused my leave application :sad:
    On the up side it gives me longer to lose that extra 20kg :wink:
  • voodoomoocow
    voodoomoocow Posts: 60 Member
    That would be wonderful!

    I lived in Hawai'i so I'm interested in the cultures I was immersed in: Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, New Zealand, and China. (I've already visited Japan twice so I might have to sacrifice it for my budget.) Then, I plan on going through mainland Southeast Asia (primarily interested in Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia if it's safe.) I am hoping to spend a good chunk in India (I have lots of family there) and taking a pilgrimage to Nepal/Tibet, and then fly to Eastern Europe and the north (my boyfriend has lots of friends up there). I've already explored the western part so I'm sacrificing that for my budget. Depending on what work I find during my journey, I hope to venture from the south tip of South America and up back into the States. I'm leaving my itinerary open so I can do what I want and spend as much time wherever so it's all tentative. I've gotten my TEFLA certificate incase I need to chill for a semester to regain funds. This is all very idealistic, of course. A lot of it depends on the rate the USD is by that time. Asia is my primary goal and I've luckily made tons of friends around the world.

    The biggest thing on my bucket list is crossing a rickety foot bridge between two mountains with a huge drop into some terrifying river. Been dreaming of it since i was 8 years old (when I saw the Amazing Panda Adventure so I know I need to get in shape to be able to hike up mountains and for long distances. It's probably the most ridiculous thing on my "to do" list but it's a great motivator hahaha.
  • voodoomoocow
    voodoomoocow Posts: 60 Member
    OOh Canada. Where do you plan on going? Congrats on the weight lost and good luck on the last 20kg!