I need help!!



  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    wow we try to offer advice and think we are being judgemental... this makes me wonder why people bother offering advice if people take it the wrong way.

    it's your life, your diet. you want to screw it up then by all means it is your choice. You asked the question for advice. perhaps that needs help on diet too.

    WOW.... I agree!

    No one was mean, rude, cruel or hurtful at all!!! Clearly admitting that there is junk food in the house to begin with was the universal flag for all of us to say "get rid of it so it doesnt tempt you anymore" - if you dont trust yourself with it in the house, dont bring it home...

    No one passed judgement on you in fact, this was the most sincere, and genuine thread - I believe everyone took into consideration of everything you posted... and to be honest - we are all right with our comments....

    If you want to justify having the junk food in the house for the kids for that once in a great-while, that is your perogative... but clearly you cant even trust yourself with it in the house - again, another thing you have admitted. So - everyone's shared the same solution - get rid of the junk food. You dont need it, the kids dont need it... its part of the problem and making your solution worse...

    Im sorry but its not often I say this, but everyone was AWESOME on this thread......