Running Inspiration



  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    One of my favorites:

    Jet lagged as hell, having flown from LA to Madrid to visit my cousin. The next morning he asked if I was down for a run, my answer was "of course!" I got an awesome running tour of the entire city, just epic.

    A couple days later, in Barcelona I had a great run. I didn't know the city at all. I weaved my way through the streets until I found the La Sagrada Familia. Great run and a great way to tour the city.
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    My best run was May 4, 2011.. the morning before the biggest interview of my life. I think it had been a week before I had last ran, but something inside of me kept me going. I ran because I knew how hard it had taken me to get to that point in my life and kept comparing it (the run) to my journey of getting into vet school (the interview I had for that day). For some reason, I felt like if I could complete that run, roughly 5k, I was going to rock that interview.. If I could do that run, I could do anything!

    I think that run gave me all the confidence I needed to rock my interview and finally get into vet school. :)
  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    This morning was my best run :) I ran 8 miles in 9:50 min/mile. My route has 3 big hills, one is 2 miles from base to the top so to make that 8 mile route under 10 min/mile was a huge accomplishment :) I now want to do it at 9 min/mile or faster! I am PUMPED!

    Im also training for a 26.2 marathon :) Its the San Antonio rock and roll marathon - and its on my birthday :)

    When is the marathon in SA?

    November 13th :)
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I love reading everyone's stories too!

    My best running moments seem to be coming every day. I'm not new to working out and not new to running as a general idea, but only a month ago did I decide to start getting serious about my endurance. Every run since then has been my new 'best.' Two weeks ago I did my first 5-mile trail run. Last week I ran my first sub-11-minute mile. I'm slow, but persistent!

    And after work today I went on a 5K jog with some cadets at West Point (some of the fittest college kids in the country!), which is just a giant hill since it's on a mountain, and I was able to keep up pretty well for the whole time!

    It's so exciting having these little victories every day, especially because running was never my strength.

    Warrior Dash was also a huge inspiration in my life, because I did it with my boyfriend, and he had so much fun that he decided to start running 3 times a week so that we can run the entire course next year!
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    I've had lots of enjoyable, or better runs in the last year that i've been running. My favorite run was last April. the first time i ran 12 miles. I had been running outside all winter and this was the first really nice day. The sun was shining and the sky was the bluest blue with puffs of white clouds. I ran to the next town and back! Something i never thought i would do! I saw horses, and open fields and fresh air. It was just awesome and it was the fastest run up to that point.