High Protein/Low Fat & Carb Breakfast Options Sans Eggs ~ "S

Hi there,
I'm looking to expand my breakfast options. I love to cook and ran my own catering business for about 8 years. I'm just getting really bored with eggs. I'd love to hear some of your breaky options that are high in protein BUT low in fat/carbs. When I say "Simple Suggestions Only" please...I'm merely asking for recipes and concoctions only, not everyone's progress. I love hearing and reading peoples success stories but I'm hoping to create strictly a "recipe blog" on this specific topic, if that makes sense. This way others may quickly scan the blog for items that sound appealing to them to make without having to scroll through pages of progress by fellow fitness pals.
Cheers and be well!
:bigsmile: Nic


  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Greek yogurt + protein powder or sf/ff instant pudding mix topped with berries

    protein shakes

