Please tell me i HAVE to go to the gym...



  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    whenever i dont want to go to the gym i always remind myself that i've never regretted a workout. ive always regretted not going. like everyone else is saying, you'll be glad you went!
  • slamb1020
    slamb1020 Posts: 80 Member
    Options <--- copy and paste in your browser.. you wont be dissapointed

    I never thought a video could change it around so much for me.. EVERYONE should watch this..
  • chocolatefairey
    Go to the gym, not only will you feel better but you will burn those calories and that's always a good thing!!! :)
  • slamb1020
    slamb1020 Posts: 80 Member
    whenever i dont want to go to the gym i always remind myself that i've never regretted a workout. ive always regretted not going. like everyone else is saying, you'll be glad you went!

    This is SO true~!
  • slamb1020
    slamb1020 Posts: 80 Member
    You want results, you want to feel better about yourself, neither of those will happen while you are asleep.... GO TO THE GYM... Also you better reply after lunch that you went or everyone here is going to yell at you ;)

    Well i better get my *kitten* in gear! :)
  • vinnysgirl
    vinnysgirl Posts: 311 Member
    Good for you, thats the spirit :happy:

    You've got to go now or not only will you let yourself down, you will let down all of us who have posted on here, not that I want to shame you into it or anything :wink: :happy:
  • Alice230
    Or for every hour you stay away from the gym you have to drop and give us all 20!

    20 per person who posts on this thread! :devil:

    hahahaha yes,exactly!
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    slam some caffeine and suck it up!!
  • tuisku
    tuisku Posts: 3
    This is great! Thanks, I'll use this in the future when I don't feel like training :)
  • tuisku
    tuisku Posts: 3
    You know what works for me? Go to a mirror, maybe in the restroom, and find the place on your body you hate the most, or want to tone, then find the worst angle to look at it and watch it jiggle.

    This is great! Thanks, I'll use it in the future when I don't feel like training :)