Tummy Fat/Excess Skin Concern

I was wondering if any of you knew a known way to get rid of the extra skin/belly fat that likes to sit on top of where our abdomen's are. The reason I ask is because I am getting closer to my goal, albeit I still have about 25 pounds to go, I am worrying that the fat on my stomach/skin that just hangs there won't go away. I am 23 years old and I wasn't overweight for terribly long. Do you all have any suggestions on what might help get rid of this excess skin? I drink 12-15 glasses of water a day and I workout on an elliptical 6 days a week. I have thought about starting out at doing 200 crunches a day and increasing the amount that I do as it gets easier but I also know that crunches tone the muscle, it won't burn the fat away. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!


  • Do you lift weights or do any resistance exercise? That will help keep your skin tight. Also, if you are losing weight quickly, you can wear compression garments to keep the skin as tight as possible. That's what they do on the biggest loser show.
  • I've finally turned to Laser Lipo for that. Feel free to friend me and follow my blog if you want to follow my journey.
  • AloyMomNwife
    AloyMomNwife Posts: 146 Member
    I had a friend who is a personal trainer and multiple times winner of bodybuilding competitions (without steroids) and of course has super ripped abs. He always says that 30% of his abs are exercise and 70% diet. Although I hate to admit this, I think he is right. I had been working out for months without modifying my diet and had noticed toning in my legs and thighs but my waist and belly were as big as the first day. I think it takes longer to tone the abs area but combining abs workouts and changing a few things on your diet might get you there.

    It's hard though! It's all that flab right around the belly button that just doesn't go away!! Aaaarrrggghhh!!! Mine is getting smaller but still flabby and SSSLLLLOOOOWWWWW! Good luck!!
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    You do not want to exercise your abs every day. They are just like any other muscle and need at least one day to recover and rebuild. Skin will tighten as you lose the weight. Doing ab exercises will give you definition down there once the fat is gone.