Commuters--how do you get that workout in without getting bu



  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    The Life of A Real Women! lol lol lol lol

    Honestly, I allowed myself to be okay with the fact something may not get done.

    Secondly, delegate if possible and fight for it! Husband and kids are resistance to help because at the end of the day, they know we will end up doing it if they don't. Especially if they don't do it right!

    I catch the park and ride- so parking as far away from the bus ramp really helps! If possible take your breaks and lunches to squeeze in exercise-This really helps with the stress that comes with work and I don't feel as worn out and sluggish after work. Weight lifting at your desk: it seem a little weird at first, but it work.

    Several 10min workouts through out the day have gotten me thru really busy times, go to this website (
    My favorite- Stairs: first two trips are warm ups, next two pick up the pace going up-go down moderate pace, next two take every other step-go down fast, trip 7&8: go up fast as you can-puming are vigorously, then walking down slowly, last two perform quick steps on the bottom step as in "step glass".

    Sometimes I drive to work and run errands on my breaks/lunches.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    It's usually an hour 15 minutes after leaving work, commuting from the City (London) to the suburbs, before I get home - that includes picking up my 6 year old daughter from creche.
    Once home, we sit down & do her spelling homework & reading. Afterwards I make her a snack (as she's already eaten a hot meal at creche), then I get my workout gear on & workout for an hour - by this time it's usually 7 or 7:30pm.

    Once done, I get my daughter ready for bed @ 8/8:30.... and have my dinner... then shower.... usually finished around 9:30pm....

    Whew.... that sounds like lot, but it gets easier.... in fact, I don't find it stressful to do...
  • 6566tess
    6566tess Posts: 39 Member
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    My commute is anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half. In the summer I get up at 4:30 to run before work before it gets to hot out. The rest of the time I run on my lunch hour. We have lockerrooms at the office. Is there a gym near your work so you can work out at lunch?