Peri-menopausal supplements that work

Hi, I am 45 and cannot lose weight despite exercising 6-7 days per week (swimming for 1 - 1.5 hours per day). I have tried several diets, atkins, alternative day diet (500 cals every other day 1800-2300 cals every other day), cutting cals to 1000 cals/day. I have been doing this for 4 months and sticking to the diets and have lost 5 pounds (well gaining and losing the same 5 pounds). I have gone to an endocrynologist and had my thyroid and insulin levels checked along with iron and vitamin D - as he agreed I had some sort of metabolic disorder, guess what - the tests all came back fine - good news/bad news. Who'd ever think I'd be so disappointed that there wasn't something wrong with me, lol? Now, in my reading, I am finding that perimenopause is probably the culprit.


In memopause or perimenopause that has bumped into this wall and found a way over it, or, around it, or, under - PLEASE, PLEASE share.

Thanks, still trying - not giving up by a long shot. There is model that said: "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!"