Getting rid of "mommy belly"

Does anyone else have issues with the mommy belly? No matter how much I work, this little extra flap is still there. Is there anything out there I can do to get rid of it? I have had two give you an idea. I would appreciate specific excersizes or work out. Am I doomed to have this the rest of my life? I am only 25 and feel too young for this.


  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
  • cassondraragan
    cassondraragan Posts: 233 Member
    If you go to the search function up above, there are quite a few threads about this with pictures (quite a few success stories.) Try "mommy belly" or getting rid of mommy belly, or Post c-section...things like that.
  • I'm in the same boat and have had 3 c-sections... I don't think there is much besides a tummy tuck. BUT I would LOVE to hear what others have to say.
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    Google c-section "apron". I have read that for many women the flap stays and cannot be fixed through diet and exercise.
  • LuluGirl140
    LuluGirl140 Posts: 364 Member
    Are you taking your measurements? I've also had 2 C-sections, and have noticed that my mommy flap has gone down in size quite a bit. It's still there, but it's slowly getting smaller. Drink lots of water, and work out hard, so lots of cardio too. If you can, add in some strength training as well. Some people say it never goes away, but I think you can cut it down in size considerably by simply working hard and eating right. Once you've lost all the weight you want, and toned up quite a bit, then you can see how it looks and if you're ok with it or not. I don't think I'll ever get a completely flat belly again, but if I can make the flap go away I'll be happy!

    Good luck!!!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I had mommy belly for my first three kids. Then I lost 90 lbs, toned up and got myself a nice little 6-pack. Then I had baby number 4, 4 months ago and now I can see the top part of my 6-pack again. So yes, it can be done. There aren't any 'specific' exercises that I used. I do a lot of cardio, a lot of strength training and I mix in pilates and yoga. I've lost a LOT of fat and I've gained a LOT of muscle and it took time and dedication. I can say that I haven't done a single 'crunch' though.
  • shellythehippie
    shellythehippie Posts: 19 Member
    I had twins via c-section...I would love to know how to work on my "flap" as well lol
  • I have had three children (none of them were C -sections) and I also have this problem. It seems no matter what I do, I still have the "mommy belly". The best thing I have found is the balance ball or the pillati ball. It proved to be the most effective but it did not completely get rid of the "pooch". I dropped four inches in the waist/belly area using the ball. Just be sure to clear the floor before using it. Nothing worse than feeling like Yo-Sammity Sam as you realize the ball has popped and you are still two feet off the ground! (Yes that actually happened to me.) :smile:
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    Are you taking your measurements? I've also had 2 C-sections, and have noticed that my mommy flap has gone down in size quite a bit. It's still there, but it's slowly getting smaller. Drink lots of water, and work out hard, so lots of cardio too. If you can, add in some strength training as well. Some people say it never goes away, but I think you can cut it down in size considerably by simply working hard and eating right. Once you've lost all the weight you want, and toned up quite a bit, then you can see how it looks and if you're ok with it or not. I don't think I'll ever get a completely flat belly again, but if I can make the flap go away I'll be happy!

    Good luck!!!

    Yup I agree....I also have 3 kids and I had the same problem...still do but not as much as when I started. It is getting tighter. I went from a 38 to a 32.5 in 9 months. So dedication, hard work, eating right and most of all PATIENCE plays a major part. Tere are time I get a little discourage but MFP always helps keep me motivated. Would love to see before and afters...Good Luck!!
  • Im the same way. I used to be all toned and have a cute little 6 pack and then came two kids. One 11 pounds 5oz when he was born and the other 10 pounds 8oz. They both were csections. Tho i am back to wieght before i had kids. My stomach isnt the same. I can tell that the upper part of my stomach is starting to get its 6 pack back but the lower part still needs work. I have notcied tho with working out ( lots of cardio) that my stomach area has got smaller. Dedication, PATIENCE, eating right and hard work all plays rolls in getting back to what i want. Although i know that the very few marks i have around my belly button wont go away with even having a smaller stomach and a 6 pack. Just want to get back to feeling great with wearing that two piece swimsuit and not have to feel like i have to have a towel around me.