Why can't I drop a size too?

My friend joined weight watchers 2 months ago, lost 34 pounds and went from a size 14 to a 4.....I have lost 19 and have not dropped a size.....Help!


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Dropping sizes is very dependent on your body type and how much you have to lose overall. You really can't compare your own weight loss with anyone else, whether it is clothing sizes or how much you should eat. Just be proud of your accomplishments, I am sure you must look smaller as that 19 pounds had to go somewhere!
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    You are very close to dropping a dress size, keep up all the hard work it is going to happen soon maybe even more than one size.
  • nakiarhall
    nakiarhall Posts: 51 Member
    Wow that's a huge size difference
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    You're getting there! It took me about 40 pounds to drop a size.
  • It really does depend on where you tend to carry weight AND where you tend to lose weight first. I've always heard that the place you gain weight last is what you will lose first (I have no science to back that up... LOL).

    If your face is thinner, your fingers thinner or your arms are thinner you won't go down a size. Hang in there, it will happen soon!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I have the same problem. I'm down 19 lbs, and I've "kinda" dropped a pants size. What I mean is the pants that were really tight before are fititng like they should now.

    Most of my fat is in my belly and on my hips and butt. I've lost most of my fat in my arms and legs and only a little around my midsection.

    Keep up with it! :)
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I haven't dropped a size yet..............but I can tell my clothes are getting 'bigger' on me! Belts especially - which is cool, cuz my tummy is my problem spot.

    My issue is I keep losing and gaining the same 2 lbs back and forth! lol...........

    Gotta admit that I'm not much of an exerciser, so that's surely the problem................

    I AM happy to have lost about 11 lbs, and figure if I just keep on keepin' on, I'll eventually just get smaller and smaller, right?

    Works for me! I'm in no big rush.............took me 56 years to get to THIS place, so a few months or a year to lose some of it isn't bad. And I'm making VERY good habits :)
  • dsak
    dsak Posts: 367 Member
    First of all... congrats on your weight loss.... you're doing GREAT!!!!

    Second... don't get discouraged. I know, I know.... easier said than done. I was the same way. I was wearing a tight size 18 (some 20s) when I started this journey. It took me a long time to drop a size. I'm down almost 60lbs and I'm only in a size 14 right now. It will come.... slowly.

    Like others have said.... it all depends on your body shape/size and where you tend to lose and gain weight. Take your measurements... and track those along with your weight. You'll see the difference soon!!! I promise!