New 6day diet - lose 10lbs!!



  • SJSharksChick
    SJSharksChick Posts: 83 Member
    I swear, people can be so rude!

    I don't agree with fad diets myself, but I'm not going to make snide comments on a forum bashing someone.

    To the OP, hard work & a healthy, balanced diet goes a long way :) I lost 80lbs in a year by doing just that. Stick to it & nevermind these diets - they're a waste of time

    Good luck!
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I dont understand why most of you are slagging this diet off. You have spent a lot of your life eating the wrong food with a whole lot of people looking at you thinking "look at that fat person eating another bag of crisps" You are *****ing about someone who is trying something to loose the weight they have gained. I know that i have tried many silly diets in an effort to loose weight. And like she says you still have to reach your calorie limit intake in food. One of my friends is currently only eating fruit, veg, meat and eggs. To me this sounded mental and i thought she will gain the weight back on but she has done this diet before and KEPT THE WEIGHT OFF!!! Not every diet that will shift so much weight will make you regain weight. The reason why people loose weight then put twice as much on is because they go back to the way they ate before - the way that made them fat before!!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Fruit, veg, meat and eggs sounds like a pretty balanced diet. Eating nothing but milk and bananas is not.
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    But the milk and the banana is just 1 day. And fruit veg meat and egss is ok but there are no grains to go with it. Veg does not include potatoes either. So no potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, oats - these things when eaten in proportion also make up some of your balanced diet
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You can get more than enough carbohydrates and fiber from fruit and vegetables to never need to eat a single grain if you don't want it.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    You can get more than enough carbohydrates and fiber from fruit and vegetables to never need to eat a single grain if you don't want it.

    Completley agreed! This is basically how I eat getting most of my carbs from fruit and veg, I've never felt better! When I eat grains I feel horrible!
  • Rainbow_Brite86
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    While this quick dump diet may seem a bit healthier than other ones out there (48 hour juice diet...). Its not about the speed its about the sustainability in the long run.

    To break down the logic behind this diet, you are essentially going to be flushing out your system in a not so healthy way. If you are eating low sodium soups along with veg and fruit your body is going to be dumping water weight, but if you have already partially been eating healthy you may not have much water weight you are holding. Sodium is a huge retainer of water, so if you have been eating low sodium for a bit now and try this you are not going to see much loss, as your sodium intake will already be within in a healthy range. If you have been on a high sodium, high processed diet you probably can dump some weight that will stay off (a few lbs). But that will ONLY happen if you make a major adjustment in your intake after this fad diet. So if you come off the diet eating nothing but balanced, low sodium, unprocessed foods you may be able to sustain 3-4lbs of the weight you lost on this crash diet. However, if you start taking in sodium again, your body is just going to pump the lbs right back on within a short period of time (days).

    So for a quick number break down. Say you do manage to drop 10lbs with this diet, if you come off the diet and stay away from sodium and processed foods you may only gain 7 lbs of that back within the next few days of coming off the diet (when your body has to start processing real food again its going to hoard everything which is why you wont be able to lose and sustain 10lbs of weight loss no matter how well you eat coming off of this.)

    The truth is this diet, like all other fad diets, is a bluff, a trick, a magic show. Most of the weight you lose is weight that you will have to gain back almost immediately because you didnt really lose anything. Its like taking off your clothes before you weigh yourself on the scale. Sure you can take off 5lbs from the scale by removing your clothing but you have to put your clothes back on to walk out the door. The weight you lose on this diet is just like your clothes, you may be able to take it off for a few hours but its got to go back on, whether you want it to or not.

    Yo-yo diets like this will really screw with your digestive system and your metabolism and in the end will slow down your 'kick start' on this diet by doing so. Coming off this will do a number to you, and you will take a while to recover and get to healthy consistent weight loss, in the mean time you will just be gaining back weight and feeling pretty miserable.

    So if you do the math, after a week you lose 10 lbs, you will likely gain 7lbs of that back faster than you can jump on your scale in the morning because its your 'clothes' weight that you can only make it seem like you lost but you really didnt. That of course being a best case scenario if you jump from this FAD diet to a VERY healthy and structured diet immediately. However if you jump back into a bad diet you will gain all 10 back plus more because your digestion and metabolism will be so screwed up it will be sending everything directly to fat.


    You could start now by changing your diet and eating foods you potentially really like (or even love!) and cut back on sodium and processed foods. Fill up most of your meal with healthy choices like vegetables and lean proteins (chicken, fish etc). Have a very small 'splurge' of sugar or sodium once a day or a minor one every few days and end the week 3-4 lbs lighter because you cut out the sodiums and lost the water weight you CAN keep off, a metabolism thats starting to fire up and digest foods to aid your body instead of storing them as fat and you wont be spending half your week on the toilet, plus you will walk away feeling good instead of so sick that all you want to do is curl up in a ball on your bed and sleep.