Should there be an age limit on dieting?



  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Regarding to the no junk food replies.........Me as well. No junk and McDonalds was a rare treat. My mother's head nearly exploded when I was young and asked for peanut butter and ....fluff! That was not happening....I was the weirdo with Tuna on rye.
  • mcadams1
    I started dieting around the age of 10.

    There was a weight limit to play mini-football for my age bracket (I believe the weight was 115lbs). I remember being *really* young and running the track wearing a garbage bag under my cloths (to sweat like crazy) before the football game to make weight. I did this between ages 10-13.

    I never wrestled in high school, but I know guys would do crazy stuff to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time.

    My 11 year old son is also in this situation, he has to make weight of 125 before every game and I complained because he works very hard at practice and they gain muscle and they are growing so they should not have to weigh in before every game that is ridiculous besides once they get older they will be no weight limit for football so why have it for PeeWee football. I am trying to teach him healthy eating habits but I don't want him to diet at all.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    It makes me so angry when parents put their children on diets when they shouldn't be on one in the first place! They have no idea what damage they could be doing to their child- physically & psychologically!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    On the flip side, there should not be an age limit on eating healthy as opposed to eating crap. Parents should be reserving foods like chips / pop / cookies / pizza / candy etc. for special occasions, not every day fare. Children eat what is available.

    I agree...I have friends with kids who complain that they "have to" keep junk food in their houses because they have kids. Since when do kids NEED a bunch of sugary crap in their diet? One friend bakes brownies or cookies every week because "the kids want them"....well, my thoughs are that the kids could do with less of that more healthy fruits and veggies for snacks. As a kid, my mom only baked cookies like 3 or 4 times a year maybe....

    I just hate seeing bad habits passed onto a new generation!
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    It makes me so angry when parents put their children on diets when they shouldn't be on one in the first place! They have no idea what damage they could be doing to their child- physically & psychologically!

    Exactly.. They're putting such a complex in that kid's mind! Though like said before, I don't think it's EVER too early to have your children eating healthy. I'll sometimes scold my mom for feeding my 3 year old sister a cheeseburger from McDonalds. It's just not needed!!
  • MikeM53082
    MikeM53082 Posts: 1,199 Member
    I started dieting around the age of 10.

    There was a weight limit to play mini-football for my age bracket (I believe the weight was 115lbs). I remember being *really* young and running the track wearing a garbage bag under my cloths (to sweat like crazy) before the football game to make weight. I did this between ages 10-13.

    I never wrestled in high school, but I know guys would do crazy stuff to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time.

    My 11 year old son is also in this situation, he has to make weight of 125 before every game and I complained because he works very hard at practice and they gain muscle and they are growing so they should not have to weigh in before every game that is ridiculous besides once they get older they will be no weight limit for football so why have it for PeeWee football. I am trying to teach him healthy eating habits but I don't want him to diet at all.

    Ah, the good ole PeeWee football days. *gets nostalgic*

    I never understood the weight limit for mini- football either. Once you reach junior high, their isn't any weight limit. I remember coaches putting a TON of pressure on me to make weight (which is insane at that age). I imagine the pressure is pretty intense in football-crazed Alabama.

    You have the right idea in teaching him to eat right year round. Football practices are pretty intense, so he shouldn't have a problem burning calories and getting some good exercises.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    It makes me so angry when parents put their children on diets when they shouldn't be on one in the first place! They have no idea what damage they could be doing to their child- physically & psychologically!

    Exactly.. They're putting such a complex in that kid's mind! Though like said before, I don't think it's EVER too early to have your children eating healthy. I'll sometimes scold my mom for feeding my 3 year old sister a cheeseburger from McDonalds. It's just not needed!!

    Healthy eating should be set by day one! The odd cheese burger now & again isn't a problem. Sometimes when I do see parents giving their baby a McDonald's, I do cringe though.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    It makes me so angry when parents put their children on diets when they shouldn't be on one in the first place! They have no idea what damage they could be doing to their child- physically & psychologically!

    Exactly.. They're putting such a complex in that kid's mind! Though like said before, I don't think it's EVER too early to have your children eating healthy. I'll sometimes scold my mom for feeding my 3 year old sister a cheeseburger from McDonalds. It's just not needed!!

    Healthy eating should be set by day one! The odd cheese burger now & again isn't a problem. Sometimes when I do see parents giving their baby a McDonald's, I do cringe though.

    I almost wish my parents never let me have fast food when I was younger though. I've had weight issues my whole life and even started my first diet in 7th grade. And now my younger brother (who is 14) has those horrible habits, but my parents always tell him he needs to stop so he can drop weight for hockey, therefore making him faster, better, etc. But they still let him eat the junk! It's a never ending cycle!
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    It makes me so angry when parents put their children on diets when they shouldn't be on one in the first place! They have no idea what damage they could be doing to their child- physically & psychologically!

    Exactly.. They're putting such a complex in that kid's mind! Though like said before, I don't think it's EVER too early to have your children eating healthy. I'll sometimes scold my mom for feeding my 3 year old sister a cheeseburger from McDonalds. It's just not needed!!

    Healthy eating should be set by day one! The odd cheese burger now & again isn't a problem. Sometimes when I do see parents giving their baby a McDonald's, I do cringe though.

    I almost wish my parents never let me have fast food when I was younger though. I've had weight issues my whole life and even started my first diet in 7th grade. And now my younger brother (who is 14) has those horrible habits, but my parents always tell him he needs to stop so he can drop weight for hockey, therefore making him faster, better, etc. But they still let him eat the junk! It's a never ending cycle!

    People forget that healthy diet means a well balanced diet. Just eating fruit & veg can be as dangerous as just eating veg. You miss out on so many vital nutrients by sticking to the same thing.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member

    People forget that healthy diet means a well balanced diet. Just eating fruit & veg can be as dangerous as just eating veg. You miss out on so many vital nutrients by sticking to the same thing.

    I almost wish they'd teach nutrition and stuff in schools, but more in depth than they actually do. I don't remember learning anything about having a healthy lifestyle when I was young. Though I guess it's the parents that are buying the food soo...
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin

    People forget that healthy diet means a well balanced diet. Just eating fruit & veg can be as dangerous as just eating veg. You miss out on so many vital nutrients by sticking to the same thing.

    I almost wish they'd teach nutrition and stuff in schools, but more in depth than they actually do. I don't remember learning anything about having a healthy lifestyle when I was young. Though I guess it's the parents that are buying the food soo...

    I think education pays a big part to it too. However, children find 'healthy eating' boring. In school, I never paid attention to the posters that were in our canteen to advice to be healthy.
  • dancer4275
    I started dieting around the age of 10.

    There was a weight limit to play mini-football for my age bracket (I believe the weight was 115lbs). I remember being *really* young and running the track wearing a garbage bag under my cloths (to sweat like crazy) before the football game to make weight. I did this between ages 10-13.

    I never wrestled in high school, but I know guys would do crazy stuff to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time.

    I agree. I'm constantly on a diet. For certain sports, specifically gymnastics and dance, a certain body type is required. In order to stay within that range, you are forced to eat less calories than the average person your age would.
  • quitmakingexcuses
    quitmakingexcuses Posts: 906 Member
    I started dieting around the age of 10.

    There was a weight limit to play mini-football for my age bracket (I believe the weight was 115lbs). I remember being *really* young and running the track wearing a garbage bag under my cloths (to sweat like crazy) before the football game to make weight. I did this between ages 10-13.

    I never wrestled in high school, but I know guys would do crazy stuff to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time.

    I agree. I'm constantly on a diet. For certain sports, specifically gymnastics and dance, a certain body type is required. In order to stay within that range, you are forced to eat less calories than the average person your age would.

    Which is sad.. My mom actually didn't want my little sister in ballet because of they pressure they put on girls (and boys) to look a certain way. And especially with how our family is built (big hips and a big butt) she just wouldn't be able to live up to it!
  • dancer4275
    I completely agree! I think there is a difference in using it for a healthier lifestyle and using it to "diet." But I'm 23, and I have friends my own age doing it for the wrong reasons.

    I agree with this. No matter what age, over eighteen or under...there will always be people who want to lose weight for the wrong reason.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    We are a weight-obsessed culture, and I don't see that changing anytime soon.

    Until we learn that we don't all have to be a size 8, and that eating healthy means eating in moderation (and eating "real" food, instead of everything processed to the max), and that a bit of exercise is GOOD for everyone..........we will continue to obsess and find fault with our bodies.

    We all need to stop reading the madness - each new report that says that THIS is bad for you and THAT will kill you and WHATEVER you're doing is wrong. Listen to your body, get regular physicals, eat REAL food................and put down the smartphone/ipod/ipad/wii/whatever. GO OUTSIDE. Live.

    Nothing will change until WE, as individuals, change it.
  • Alice230
    I agree. Anyone under the age of 18 should have to see a Doctor and a Psychologist at least monthly before and while dieting. To make sure they are not doing it for the wrong reasons and don't develop any eating disorders.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    A fad diet - yes, there should be a limit, but portion control, eating healthy and being knowledgeable about what you are putting in your body should start at an early age.
  • LemonPoppySeedMuffin
    A fad diet - yes, there should be a limit, but portion control, eating healthy and being knowledgeable about what you are putting in your body should start at an early age.

    I agree.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Depends, I took weightgainer in second grade. My dad gave me some and I was like damn this is delicious. It became part of my diet.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    I started dieting around the age of 10.

    There was a weight limit to play mini-football for my age bracket (I believe the weight was 115lbs). I remember being *really* young and running the track wearing a garbage bag under my cloths (to sweat like crazy) before the football game to make weight. I did this between ages 10-13.

    I never wrestled in high school, but I know guys would do crazy stuff to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time.
    It's idiotic IMO to have weight classes for sports if they AREN'T going to be weighed in just before their bout begins. Guys drop weight get weighed for the bout the next day and after rehydrate and carb up and gain 10-12lbs. So in reality their over their weight limit. Don't know how it could be controlled better, but all that fluctuating isn't good especially since most "coaches" have no idea about electrolyte balances.